TimeZone cookie?!

I just was suprised seeing that smugmugs cookies contain one named timezone! This is new, isn't it? Am I guessing right that you'll be rolling out the functionality to customize the timezone with the next update or is this just a joke or even old news?! 
Would be awesome as I've been requesting this feature since I joined smugmug 1,5 years ago! Really exciting.
Thank you guys,

Would be awesome as I've been requesting this feature since I joined smugmug 1,5 years ago! Really exciting.
Thank you guys,
SmugMug Support Hero
SmugMug Support Hero
Stay tuned
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Progress on handling this?
Otherwise, I'm very happy with SM and glad to pay for it. Well, mostly.
Can you elaborate a little bit on what is happening (or not happening)? If you can let me know what the problem is, I'll take a look at it
www.ivarborst.nl & smugmug