Thumbnail Box Shadows
I know this has been explained a number of times. I have read the threads, tried different chunks of CCS code, and looked at the source code for sites displaying thumbnail shadows, but I cannot make it work on mine.
It is a lightly modified version of the new SM template. Background color changed to white. CCS code to (1) round corners on thumbnails and (2) darken the banner under the title on thumbnails. It did take a fair amount of experimenting with code from different sources to round the thumbnails. Only the solves-for-every-possible-use code from Nicholas Sherlock worked.
It is a lightly modified version of the new SM template. Background color changed to white. CCS code to (1) round corners on thumbnails and (2) darken the banner under the title on thumbnails. It did take a fair amount of experimenting with code from different sources to round the thumbnails. Only the solves-for-every-possible-use code from Nicholas Sherlock worked.
/* Round thumbnails for folders, pages and galleries*/ .sm-page-widget-folders .sm-tile, .sm-page-widget-galleries .sm-tile, .sm-page-widget-nodes .sm-tile, .sm-page-widget-pages .sm-tile { border-radius: 15px; overflow: hidden; -webkit-mask-image: url(); }Any suggestions to make shadows appear "behind" thumbnails on the home page and folders will be appreciated.
Images in the Backcountry
My SmugMug Customizations | Adding CSS to Your Site | SEO for the Photographer | Locate Your Page/Widget Number | SmugMug Help Desk
The code is missin a semicolon... this should work:
...and that's what happens when I type something at 2am...
It should work because I added it (with the ';' using the Firebug tools and it worked.
Images in the Backcountry
My SmugMug Customizations | Adding CSS to Your Site | SEO for the Photographer | Locate Your Page/Widget Number | SmugMug Help Desk
You can try to add the red line:
Is there something within the SM template that supersedes the box shadow code in CSS for those browsers?
Maybe you have some extra code that prevents the shadows from appear on the screen... or maybe Chrome handles some CSS elements different then the other browsers. I just installed ubuntu+chrome inside of a virtual machine and played a bit with some CSS code. The box shadow syntax does work for other elements, just not for the thumbs...
I opened your /browse page and added this code and at least i get some shadows there now, see screenshot. You maybe need to remove the old box-shadow code or you may get two shadows on firefox and IE.
EDIT: I think i found the problem... the -webkit-mask-image does overwrite the shadows. I tested the code below and on some thumbs on a gallery page i do not get round corners. I applied the mask-code and the shadow disappeared.
Here's the really inconsistent behavior with the code you suggested in Safari. Thumbnails based upon portrait aspect photos have consistently rounded corners. But thumbnails based upon landscape aspect photos may or may not. Resizing the browser window changes the relative location of thumbnails--and in some instances makes the rounded corners appear or disappear. Feels like I chasing ghosts.
Update: I threw in the towel. Removed rounded corners from the thumbnails to make the shadows work.