Breadcrumbs not linking properly

I have activated breadcrumbs - and they appear as I wish.
However when I open a gallery or any other, and then go back to the previous link on the breadcrumbs, it always end up at my profile page.
For example, whilst this gallery is in a folder called "people', clicking "people" takes me to my profile page
I have tried changed page titles etc but to no avail.
Help appreciated. Thank you.
However when I open a gallery or any other, and then go back to the previous link on the breadcrumbs, it always end up at my profile page.
For example, whilst this gallery is in a folder called "people', clicking "people" takes me to my profile page
I have tried changed page titles etc but to no avail.
Help appreciated. Thank you.
(just been updating the site)
oops - can you try
The breadcrumb shows "people" and should go to a gallery - but instead it goes to my profile
This link
is different from your Profile using this link:
Is "People" really a "folder" ("People" can't be a gallery if it includes other galleries...)
Thank you - that was an old "folder" now gone.
Unfortunately I still have the problem. If you go to
you can see a breadcrumb "heritage" ... clicking that goes to my profile but not the browse for the galleries
Guess I am doing something silly!
I get a "404-Page not found" on that page...
I see there is a Herritage-1 in the URL... Do you have a Heritage gallery that includes many many of pictures before you migrated to new SmugMug? If i remember right there is a split into multiple galleries if one old gallery includes tooo many pictures and the names would be Heritage-1, Hertitage-2... and so on.