Smugmug + Blog question.

codiac2600codiac2600 Registered Users Posts: 329 Major grins
edited March 7, 2014 in SmugMug Support
Hello fellow smuggers. I have a question in terms of presentation of my site that has been bugging me and I haven't found an answer so I'm here to see if anyone can help me out and just point me in the direction I need to go.

So I have my main site: and I have my blog and I really don't enjoy that design.

Is there a way to have your link still pointed to smugmug yet not have to use the subdomain thingy?

Basically can I have my site still be and my blog still be a wordpress site but the address physically be

Let me know if this is possible and point me in the direction so I can start making this happen before I launch my full blog on the world.
-Chris :)


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