Margulis chap 11 question

Hi Folks,
Thanks for all the great threads! I have a question about Chapter 11. I'm very interested to complete the technique for the prescreen original example. I'm using CS and I just can't figure out how to apply the high contrast channel A copy to the L in Lighten mode (Figure D in the book page 236-7) I have it as an extra channel and I'm on a duplicate layer of the original. If I go to the pulldown Image apply image The "lighten choice is inaccessible" ??? If I right click on the layer and try blending options the "Lighten" is innaccessible....
Thanks for all the great threads! I have a question about Chapter 11. I'm very interested to complete the technique for the prescreen original example. I'm using CS and I just can't figure out how to apply the high contrast channel A copy to the L in Lighten mode (Figure D in the book page 236-7) I have it as an extra channel and I'm on a duplicate layer of the original. If I go to the pulldown Image apply image The "lighten choice is inaccessible" ??? If I right click on the layer and try blending options the "Lighten" is innaccessible....
Lighten blend mode is only available in LAB mode in some circumstances. It appears that you can do Apply Image using the lighten blend mode when the target is a specific channel, but not when the target is the whole composite layer. So, I'd guess that you don't have the L channel properly selected as the target of Apply Image before you invoke the command in the 2nd step of creatingf 11.17D on page 237.
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