technical confusion, help please :)

i don't get it. sometimes the photos i upload are clear and sharp, and other versions of them look all noisy on my screen. the most recent examples are in my thread about the country church. i have a photo in there of an old farm, which is very clear. i added a frame, same photo, same size, and now it looks noisy. same with the church photos. they look great at home.....any suggestions please??? is it just me?
p.s. i am not trying to draw attention back to that thread except for helping to figure out how i can get a better image. :dunno
p.s. i am not trying to draw attention back to that thread except for helping to figure out how i can get a better image. :dunno
Hi, we can help. Let's first hear from you, what your workflow is, from camera to computer, what you do there (photoshop, psp, and such) any resizing you do, and how the files are saved. Then, you are uploading to SmugMug.
Give us specific image links in this thread of the files in question please
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when i posted at work the top one looked fine, the bottom seemed to have a lot of noise. i wonder if it's the monitor. at home here i have a new imac g5 with a 20" monitor and it's beautiful. at work i have a samsung flat panel 19" which i don't think is quite the resolution of this one, but still the work i do on it looks fine. i'm confuzzled.......
my stuff
i think i got it, and i can track it down to one thing.....AOL!
i kept looking at the images both on here and smugmug, and it finally dawned on me that i was on AOL at the time. when i use safari, the problem goes away.........duh duh duh...
my stuff
AOL is notorious for that.