Inline Editing, and lightbox / map / info changes + improvements
In Journal Style, SmugMug Style, and lightbox (all styles), we now support inline editing for title, caption, and keywords.
- hovering over a title/caption/keyword should show a pencil icon
- clicking on a field anywhere as long as the pencil icon is showing will open inline editing
- links will still act as links, so keywords, for example, will need to be clicked slightly to the left (where the tag icon is) or right (the pencil)
- hitting "enter" will act as clicking the save button for titles and keywords
- inline editing is also functional on mobile platforms, but lacking the pencil icon indicator
- Added Keywords to lightbox
- Hover (rollover) interaction has changed
-- we now show more of the info by default (instead of just the title)
-- hovering will expand to show more if there is more, but still capped at a reasonable height
- Mobile interaction changes
-- you no longer have to fight with the screen to keep the info open to read
-- after the initial page load, the info will still autohide after a set time
-- however, you can now click the image to show/hide the info
-- after manually tapping the image to show/hide the info will no longer auto-hide
- map and exif data have been re-combined into one panel, similar to legacy behavior
- the globe icon is now gone, map data is rolled up into the info panel
- you no longer have to search for a photo with the globe icon in your galleries (still only applicable to the galleries that supported bulk markers [normal galleries, user keyword, user popular])
-- if there is map data on any image in the gallery, an expand icon will appear next to the "x" button on the panel to show a bigger map
-- the expand icon will show even if the current image has no map data (but something else in the gallery does)
-- thumbnails will no longer be opened automatically for you when you open the info panel
- duplicate markers should no longer show up
- scrollwheel can be used (in the info panel) to zoom in/out the map
- thumbnail pagination in smugmug style should no longer look horrendous in windows firefox
- image pagination in smugmug style should now actually be centered (those with css fixes may want to check to make sure they're not broken)
- fixed a bug where changing between satellite and aerial view in map didn't always work
- while editing photos in smugmug style, outdated information should no longer show up when switching thumbnail pages
- open panels will now be properly closed for you when entering fullscreen slideshow (so IE is not affected by this fix)
- open panels will now be closed for you when exiting lightbox, instead of leaving lingering orphaned panels that didn't do anything
- as stated in the bug fixes - panels still won't be closed on IE when entering slideshow
- also as stated, on mobile, there will be no indicator that the inline-edit option is there, you just have to know to tap the location to edit (same tapping areas as on desktop)
- on Mavericks Chrome, trying to inline-edit a photo in lightbox while having the image sized to the point of creating a scrollbar (X2 in most laptop cases) can cause some flickering behavior in the info. To avoid this problem, just use the "fill" option for image sizes ("A" in the URL)
Please let us know if there are any problems, questions, or concerns here, thank you!
In Journal Style, SmugMug Style, and lightbox (all styles), we now support inline editing for title, caption, and keywords.
- hovering over a title/caption/keyword should show a pencil icon
- clicking on a field anywhere as long as the pencil icon is showing will open inline editing
- links will still act as links, so keywords, for example, will need to be clicked slightly to the left (where the tag icon is) or right (the pencil)
- hitting "enter" will act as clicking the save button for titles and keywords
- inline editing is also functional on mobile platforms, but lacking the pencil icon indicator
- Added Keywords to lightbox
- Hover (rollover) interaction has changed
-- we now show more of the info by default (instead of just the title)
-- hovering will expand to show more if there is more, but still capped at a reasonable height
- Mobile interaction changes
-- you no longer have to fight with the screen to keep the info open to read
-- after the initial page load, the info will still autohide after a set time
-- however, you can now click the image to show/hide the info
-- after manually tapping the image to show/hide the info will no longer auto-hide
- map and exif data have been re-combined into one panel, similar to legacy behavior
- the globe icon is now gone, map data is rolled up into the info panel
- you no longer have to search for a photo with the globe icon in your galleries (still only applicable to the galleries that supported bulk markers [normal galleries, user keyword, user popular])
-- if there is map data on any image in the gallery, an expand icon will appear next to the "x" button on the panel to show a bigger map
-- the expand icon will show even if the current image has no map data (but something else in the gallery does)
-- thumbnails will no longer be opened automatically for you when you open the info panel
- duplicate markers should no longer show up
- scrollwheel can be used (in the info panel) to zoom in/out the map
- thumbnail pagination in smugmug style should no longer look horrendous in windows firefox
- image pagination in smugmug style should now actually be centered (those with css fixes may want to check to make sure they're not broken)
- fixed a bug where changing between satellite and aerial view in map didn't always work
- while editing photos in smugmug style, outdated information should no longer show up when switching thumbnail pages
- open panels will now be properly closed for you when entering fullscreen slideshow (so IE is not affected by this fix)
- open panels will now be closed for you when exiting lightbox, instead of leaving lingering orphaned panels that didn't do anything
- as stated in the bug fixes - panels still won't be closed on IE when entering slideshow
- also as stated, on mobile, there will be no indicator that the inline-edit option is there, you just have to know to tap the location to edit (same tapping areas as on desktop)
- on Mavericks Chrome, trying to inline-edit a photo in lightbox while having the image sized to the point of creating a scrollbar (X2 in most laptop cases) can cause some flickering behavior in the info. To avoid this problem, just use the "fill" option for image sizes ("A" in the URL)
Please let us know if there are any problems, questions, or concerns here, thank you!
Photo Blog
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
to collapse the same height as the buttons on the right. Nothing worst then having to wait after every new photo.
Most viewers will keep their mouse on the arrow and will get no full collapses.
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I see the photo in your lightbox.
Photo Blog
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--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
Only "fill" doesn't show, other sizes do. Looks like it's only the X-Large that doesn't work (used for fill).
Edit: I re-added watermark to see if both will regenerate sizes. Edit: worked
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And although the map and exif data sounds like a really great change, I can't actually see it working. This gallery ( has images with map data on them, but nowhere can I see how that is detectable at the gallery level to display the map. I see that pressing info on any individual photo will do it, but the tiny map in the popup is not very satisfactory.
Great to see stuff is happening though!
Regarding the small map, as mentioned in the release notes, if you have any map data in your gallery (sans date galleries), an expand icon will appear next to the x icon to get the large map view.
This actually makes it so if you only have 2/100 photos with map data in a gallery, you no longer have to hunt for them in the gallery, as we had heard that was a concern.
Other than that, no problems with the update. I appreciate being able to edit captions live. I did have to adjust my custom CSS a bit, but it was not a big effort.
Jim Ringland
Thanks for your response, Moiraine. I am talking about in the organiser, where you click the little spanner and get all the images one below each other with their caption and keywords fields open for editing, so you can do it in bulk. It would be great if their title fields were there too. I don't want to have to inline edit and then save each image individually, when I can do them all at once in bulk and save once.
It's good not to have to hunt for images with map data on them, and that was indeed a concern and irritation of mine before. But instead of having to view an image on its own and THEN go to its map and THEN click for the bigger map, you might be able to see at the gallery level that there is a map applicable to one or more photo in the gallery and click to get to the big map with one click. That's how the old Smuggie worked, and though I am not one that's averse to change, I am averse to change that loses flexibility and/or convenience.
In SM style is it possible to place the map icon under the gallery and have it display the gallery. Same rules as for the new method. The icon only shows up if at least one photo has a map. There is plenty of space to do this next to the pagination. The map in info can remain with the EXIF data as it is.
Agreed. I much prefer the dedicated map button. I think the average viewer could care less about the exif data so won't be in the photo info section, but would click on a map button if they saw it on the photo.
Sent from my Z10 using Tapatalk
May be fixed in Windows but what's the deal with the new ugly and redundant button for Smugmug Style thumbnail pagination on Mac Firefox (27.0.1) on Mavericks (10.9.2). (See screencap below.)
1) It looks like something from a website circa 1997 and has nothing to do with the rest of the site's modern design elements.
2) It is redundant with the other arrow on the right side of the pagination form.
That thing sure wasn't there yesterday! Mercifully, it doesn't appear on either Chrome or Safari (though God only knows what it looks like in IE...)
I don't want the thing anywhere near my website but there doesn't seem to be a way to hide it with CSS as the button appears to be attached to the same div that addresses the page-selector-form portion of the pagination dialog!
I agree - I noticed this just yesterday and found it annoying that that section covers so much of the photo. It should be collapsed by default and show up when you hover down there. (Or at least that should be an option we can turn on...)
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--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
Reported in bug forum here.
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Are you still seeing this issue? We have checked and on the same version of firefox on mavericks don't see the problem.
Noticed the addition to the lightbox and I really like it, at this point I almost never enter extra data in the caption and this will motivate me to do that.
But ... there is a small problem, when viewing an image larger than the available screen size the bottom scroll-bar disappears below the popup making it impossible to scroll horizontally.
IE(10) doesn't have the problem, but because IE is a problem on itself I only use it to test.
The new feature is more worth imho than the disappearance of the scroll bar.
PS just added
Makes the panel move up a bit, and makes scrolling possible.
Not sure all classes are needed or the 15px is correct, but it looks good enough
A few toggles here would be great. The obvious ones (for me) are Description, Photodate and Filename.
Regards, Harald
My focus is on digitizing memories
In the short term, scrolling with shift-mouse-wheel in Chrome on Win7 seems to be my best workaround. Firefox has no wheel-based horizontal scrolling as far as I can tell. The patch suggested by rhermans works too, or course, but I'd prefer not to give up screen space all the time for an occasional action.
Please address this.
Jim Ringland
Lightbox on photography website should be used to concentrate viewer attention to image itself!!!
With option to show info, if viewer would like to see it.
Hover (rollover) interaction… I give up…
I’m under impression that whoever is responsible for SM design never seen any photography website or maybe never goes on line. How about learning good practise from competition like 500px or Flicker?
Or why to stop there, lets add keywords, comments, bio,… to be visible on rollover.
Why visitors would look at our images, lets make them read!!!
And here are the installation instructions:
Please check out my gallery of customisations for the New SmugMug, more to come!