What happened to the map button?
Bmugmug seems to have changed the appearance of the Smugmug gallery in the last couple of hours. The number of pages in a gallery now shows up. You can edit the description by clicking the description. But the map this button is gone. Anybody know how to restore it? I've changed the location of the buttons on my site so the problem may be with me, although it was working fine since I migrated in July.
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Thanks Allen. I found it. So we took something that was working really well and made it really clumsy.
To help others the change is described here http://www.dgrin.com/showthread.php?t=245841
Agreed. I much prefer the dedicated map button. I think the average viewer could care less about the exif data so won't be in the photo info section, but would click on a map button if they saw it.
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I wonder who the beta testers are that don't realize the problems with the changes they make. I agree this is a bad change... and I don't understand why they won't implement something similar to the old "map this" button, showing all geotagged images in the gallery on a map. It just makes more sense... and has been requested many times, unlike moving the map data to the info button which was probably never requested by anyone.
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I've started to add a ....Map this Gallery note in the description of the galleries that I want displayed on a map. Example here http://paultavares.smugmug.com/Wildlife/Birds/G/
It's a bit of a pain but will need do do for now.
Did you hard code the map link to your description, or is there some kind of dynamic code that links to the map for the gallery currently being viewed?
I found the Data in the feeds links of the page source about 30 lines down.
<link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="Allen Smith > Missouri Bird Photos A-G Gallery RSS Feed" href="/hack/feed.mg?Type=gallery&Data=3272272_cDCQWw&format=rss200" />
<link rel="alternate" type="application/atom+xml" title="Allen Smith > Missouri Bird Photos A-G Gallery Atom Feed" href="/hack/feed.mg?Type=gallery&Data=3272272_cDCQWw&format=atom10" />
That is the map legacy used which should be around until all legacy sites go away.
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