NSM : IS there any concerns to creating pages and adding galleries using keywords?

Working in New SmugMug (NSM).
I am trying to make informative 5 pages that highlight services. To gather representative images for this page I went in and culled images using keywords then created a page and added photos to a gallery using keywords.
So, it still says the gallery needs to add photos to it. SHould I do it this way?
ALSO, if the 5 pages are for a specific PAGE, (perhaps the landing page that will have a link to each of those 5 pages), SHOULD those 5 being a folder?
I only say that cuz that is one of the new organizational tools in the NSM.
Thanks again..
I am trying to make informative 5 pages that highlight services. To gather representative images for this page I went in and culled images using keywords then created a page and added photos to a gallery using keywords.
So, it still says the gallery needs to add photos to it. SHould I do it this way?
ALSO, if the 5 pages are for a specific PAGE, (perhaps the landing page that will have a link to each of those 5 pages), SHOULD those 5 being a folder?
I only say that cuz that is one of the new organizational tools in the NSM.
Thanks again..
You can create a folder to hold those pages or you can create those pages without placing them in a folder. If you think you will have a lot of different types of pages using folders could make them easier for you to manage. If you look at my site, I only have a couple of pages - and none of them are in a folder. Whatever you decide to do, you can easily change it later if your first decision doesn't work for you.
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at https://denisegoldberg.blogspot.com
Thanks denise!
Well in Legacy I created the services pages but images I used were not part of a gallery for each page, they were part of HTML in the description. So those images were from various work in differnt galleries.
In NSM, I saw I could add a photo contect block and populate it with images with specitc kewords and they would just appear and displayed in the lightbox mode. Otherwise, I thought it was a tedious thing wading around galleries looking for representative images for the respective pages. At the bottom of these pages there is the little notice for me to upload images, but the prupose of these pages is strictly informational.......just so it isn't part of a regular gallery; I want the images to display a certain way-and possibly randomize with each visit; but for now I just want to get to a point to go live ASAP.
Can the visitor tell if your stuff is part of a folder? I should take a looksee at your website..... I guess your site is seemless...can't see any obvious folders????
My Mission: build a similar legacy site with 5-6 public pages only, and private proof gallery for clients..that's it. no weblog, no guestbook no yappityap content that I was spanked for a while ago-and rightfully so.
Any other galleries will be hidden from professional site .
SmugMug Support Hero
I just got off the phone with a HERO.
One of the issues is I am trying to use a gallery as a Page. DO NOT USE GALLERIES AS PAGES DUMMY!!!
What I am trying to do is have a homepage landing page with 6 images that randomize with each visit ( is this hard/) that are linked to specific pages.
THERE!!!! I finally said what I am trying to do....at this point I don't care about legacy or how it looks except for the content.
I created a folder ( thanks Denise ) and added 6 pages. These pages I want to be INFO pages with examples of my work that correspond to the images on the landing page they are linked to .....
This is all I am trying to do and when this is done I can kill LEGACY....DIE DIE LEGACY!
Can someone please send me in the right direction while I hammer away here this morning...thanks
<img src="/photos/random.mg?AlbumID=37723902&AlbumKey=gcBBKJ&Size=Th" />
I got the AlbumID and AlbumKey from share > get a link > Gallery Links > Slideshow.
Here's my "test old journal" page. You can see the left thumb changing.
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Would making this randomize each of 6 images a tall order for the front page? ( let me read your response again.) you say "thumb"....
From my notes. Different ways to use size. Ti > X3 > O or spelled out or actual px's
========== random images ========== Ti, Th, S, M, L, XL, X2, X3, O widthxheight =====
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In the folder of pages that I created I will add about 6 images to each for what will be INFO pages for each dicipline. On one image I will give it a keyword.
On the landing page I will insert a mulitimage gallery created with that one magic keywork from above for each image coming from different pages, then upon clicking you go to THAT gallery.
Hope when clicked it goes to one of 6 pages and way back to the original gallery....
any ideas....
I feel like gouging my eyes out with a butter knife right now...
gallery "unlisted" so no one see it.
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