Weird issues with my HTML code - need help
Something seems to be going a bit weird with my HTML code. I keep the master code in Evernote on my computer, modify it was needed, copy and then paste into the HTML code on my Smugmug pages.
I've been making a few changes recently and I am getting code identified in red and the code is not working as expected, so I cancel and let the original code stay in place.
Here is just one of my examples. I have one or 2 others that are causing my similar issues.
This is the HTML from the page itself. On the first link for "Contact", I entered target="_blank" directly into the pages HTML because my updated master code won't paste in without error.
<div class="pageTitle">
<b><br />Who is "MrHoni"?</b><br /><br />
<div class="boxBottom">
<div class="myPhotoLinks">
<img src="" alt="image" />
<div class="myTextLinks">
MrHoni (pronounced Mister Honey) is my nickname and came about after marrying my wife Diane, over 20 years ago. When speaking to each other, we only use "Honey" and not each others names. Surprised looks appear on our faces if we were to call each other by our first names. Diane inherited the nickname of "MrsHoni" the same time I inherited my nickname. This is what our friends lovingly call us.<br /><br />
My background is in technology and being a tech gadget guy, when the first consumer digital cameras came to market, I loved the instant gratification they provided and thus began my interest in photography. Many of my photos during the years have been of our dogs, which have varied from 2 to 6 furry kids. I cherish the thousands of photos I have of them with their goofy, cute and funny personalities. <br /><br />
From my portfolio, its obvious that I gravitate towards pet photography, but I also love the satisfaction of capturing beautiful images of families, high school seniors, kids and couples.<br /><br />
Many pets are not very good at taking direction and it takes patience to capture their personality. People are much more cooperative and have a vested interest in having themselves look their best. while the little ones can be quite a challenge as all parents know, and those pets are even more of a handful to wrangle with (at least my kiddies). <br /><br />
Please <a href="" target="_blank" style="color:#ffffff;font-size:14pt">contact </a>me with any questions or to book a photo session.<br /><br />
Click <a href="" target="_blank" style="color:#ffffff;font-size:14pt"> here </a>to read about MrHoni's Dogs
<div class="myPhotoLinks"><br /><br />
<img src="" alt="image" />
<img src="" alt="image" />
This is the HTML code from Evernote. The only difference should be the use of target. I have marked in red to simulate what is being shown in red in the html box on the web page
<div class="pageTitle">
<b><br />Who is "MrHoni"?</b><br /><br />
<div class="boxBottom">
<div class="myPhotoLinks">
<img src="">
<div class="myTextLinks">
MrHoni (pronounced Mister Honey) is my nickname and came about after marrying my wife Diane, over 20 years ago. When speaking to each other, we only use "Honey" and not each others names. Surprised looks appear on our faces if we were to call each other by our first names. Diane inherited the nickname of "MrsHoni" the same time I inherited my nickname. This is what our friends lovingly call us.<br /><br />
My background is in technology and being a tech gadget guy, when the first consumer digital cameras came to market, I loved the instant gratification they provided and thus began my interest in photography. Many of my photos during the years have been of our dogs, which have varied from 2 to 6 furry kids. I cherish the thousands of photos I have of them with their goofy, cute and funny personalities. <br /><br />
From my portfolio, its obvious that I gravitate towards pet photography, but I also love the satisfaction of capturing beautiful images of families, high school seniors, kids and couples.<br /><br />
Many pets are not very good at taking direction and it takes patience to capture their personality. People are much more cooperative and have a vested interest in having themselves look their best. while the little ones can be quite a challenge as all parents know, and those pets are even more of a handful to wrangle with (at least my kiddies). <br /><br />
Please <a href="” target=“_blank” style="color:#ffffff;font-size:14pt">contact </a>me with any questions or to book a photo session.<br /><br />
Click <a href="" style="color:#ffffff;font-size:14pt"> here </a>to read about MrHoni's Dogs
<div class="myPhotoLinks"><br /><br />
<img src="">
<img src="">
I've been making a few changes recently and I am getting code identified in red and the code is not working as expected, so I cancel and let the original code stay in place.
Here is just one of my examples. I have one or 2 others that are causing my similar issues.
This is the HTML from the page itself. On the first link for "Contact", I entered target="_blank" directly into the pages HTML because my updated master code won't paste in without error.
<div class="pageTitle">
<b><br />Who is "MrHoni"?</b><br /><br />
<div class="boxBottom">
<div class="myPhotoLinks">
<img src="" alt="image" />
<div class="myTextLinks">
MrHoni (pronounced Mister Honey) is my nickname and came about after marrying my wife Diane, over 20 years ago. When speaking to each other, we only use "Honey" and not each others names. Surprised looks appear on our faces if we were to call each other by our first names. Diane inherited the nickname of "MrsHoni" the same time I inherited my nickname. This is what our friends lovingly call us.<br /><br />
My background is in technology and being a tech gadget guy, when the first consumer digital cameras came to market, I loved the instant gratification they provided and thus began my interest in photography. Many of my photos during the years have been of our dogs, which have varied from 2 to 6 furry kids. I cherish the thousands of photos I have of them with their goofy, cute and funny personalities. <br /><br />
From my portfolio, its obvious that I gravitate towards pet photography, but I also love the satisfaction of capturing beautiful images of families, high school seniors, kids and couples.<br /><br />
Many pets are not very good at taking direction and it takes patience to capture their personality. People are much more cooperative and have a vested interest in having themselves look their best. while the little ones can be quite a challenge as all parents know, and those pets are even more of a handful to wrangle with (at least my kiddies). <br /><br />
Please <a href="" target="_blank" style="color:#ffffff;font-size:14pt">contact </a>me with any questions or to book a photo session.<br /><br />
Click <a href="" target="_blank" style="color:#ffffff;font-size:14pt"> here </a>to read about MrHoni's Dogs
<div class="myPhotoLinks"><br /><br />
<img src="" alt="image" />
<img src="" alt="image" />
This is the HTML code from Evernote. The only difference should be the use of target. I have marked in red to simulate what is being shown in red in the html box on the web page
<div class="pageTitle">
<b><br />Who is "MrHoni"?</b><br /><br />
<div class="boxBottom">
<div class="myPhotoLinks">
<img src="">
<div class="myTextLinks">
MrHoni (pronounced Mister Honey) is my nickname and came about after marrying my wife Diane, over 20 years ago. When speaking to each other, we only use "Honey" and not each others names. Surprised looks appear on our faces if we were to call each other by our first names. Diane inherited the nickname of "MrsHoni" the same time I inherited my nickname. This is what our friends lovingly call us.<br /><br />
My background is in technology and being a tech gadget guy, when the first consumer digital cameras came to market, I loved the instant gratification they provided and thus began my interest in photography. Many of my photos during the years have been of our dogs, which have varied from 2 to 6 furry kids. I cherish the thousands of photos I have of them with their goofy, cute and funny personalities. <br /><br />
From my portfolio, its obvious that I gravitate towards pet photography, but I also love the satisfaction of capturing beautiful images of families, high school seniors, kids and couples.<br /><br />
Many pets are not very good at taking direction and it takes patience to capture their personality. People are much more cooperative and have a vested interest in having themselves look their best. while the little ones can be quite a challenge as all parents know, and those pets are even more of a handful to wrangle with (at least my kiddies). <br /><br />
Please <a href="” target=“_blank” style="color:#ffffff;font-size:14pt">contact </a>me with any questions or to book a photo session.<br /><br />
Click <a href="" style="color:#ffffff;font-size:14pt"> here </a>to read about MrHoni's Dogs
<div class="myPhotoLinks"><br /><br />
<img src="">
<img src="">
In this case it's probably illegal characters. “ and ” vs "
...Contact” target=“_blank” ...
Processors sometimes use these.
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haha - great minds think alike.
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Those quotes was exactly the problem. I found where I could update Smart Quotes setting in my System Preferences (Language-Keyboard Preferences-Text) to make the curly quotes, straight quotes. Once this was done and I replaced the curlies with straights all new quotes were entered as straight.