View Mode: List

Is there anyway to use css or some other customization method to change the folder view from thumbnails to left oriented list view?
Such as
[Thumbnail of 32x32] Folder Name
[Thumbnail of 32x32] Folder Name
[Thumbnail of 32x32] Folder Name
[Thumbnail of 32x32] Folder Name
Such as
[Thumbnail of 32x32] Folder Name
[Thumbnail of 32x32] Folder Name
[Thumbnail of 32x32] Folder Name
[Thumbnail of 32x32] Folder Name
My smugmug still under construction & organization with 17,000 images and counting... meanwhile check my Flickr
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
Thank you so much Denise, just what I wanted, I will try that right away!