Smugmug SEO after new Google Algorithm Update (around Feb 15th) and slow sitemaps

KQuinlanKQuinlan Registered Users Posts: 53 Big grins
edited May 9, 2014 in SmugMug Support
I wanted to start a dialog about SEO in the new smugmug especially with concern to the new Google algorithm update of the middle of February 2014.

Ever since I switched to the new Smugmug (about 2 weeks after it came out) I had seen an improvement (not alot, but enough to notice) of my placing in google Search Engine Results. I had concluded that something about the new page code was more favorable to google's Search Engine Results algorithm. I even saw someone from smugmug mention that talks with someone from google (or something like that) resulted in some of the SEO changes they had made in the new smugmug.

Here is an example of my site's pageviews from right before my switch to the New Smugmug to a month or two after. The tiny spot where it hit zero was when the switch was made (before smugmug got google analytics working again :) )
as you can see there was a small but significant noticible improvement in Pageviews after switching to new smugmug. Part of that might be SEO, and part might be that it looked better, and people stayed on the site longer.

From August through Late December 2003 Traffic stayed pretty steady (no major up or down trend).

Then on around Jan 1st 2014, there was a significant uptick in search engine rankings and website traffic, which stayed pretty steady until about the middle of February

Here is my pageviews from Dec15th 2013 to March 18th 2014

Starting the middle of february, it seems google changed pretty dramatically how it aranged the search engine results, and my traffic went pretty quickly down to almost nothing, as a direct result of being pushed for many of the (40+) keywords I ranked on the first page for, down to the 4th or lower page on many of those keywords.

Here is my Search Engine Impressions from Feb. 1st 2014 to now March 18th 2014

As I point of reference, I looked at both my other (non-smugmug) websites, and they both showed, if anything, a slight increase in search result ranking.

I have a feeling, something about the way the smugmug pages are laid out, or something about the page code is being penalized (not a manual WMT penalty, but a google algorithm penalty). I would love some input from smugmug about this, and if there is anything that can be done to get back to at least where we were last year in the Search Engine Results.

Searching about this issue on the internet resulted in reading a bit about a google algorithm update that people are referring to as "top heavy", because it seems to be penalizing websites with too many adds above the fold. (I do not have any adds on my site at all). I had four links to my other site for the same business, and I removed 2 of them to see if that helps at all (I thought maybe google was treating all external links as adds?)

Sitemap Issue:
One thing I have also recently noticed, that may be somewhat related: I have recently noticed this warning message by a few pages in "sitemap" in Google Web Master Tools

" Some URLs in the Sitemap have a high response time.
Some URLs listed in this Sitemap have a high response time. This may indicate a problem with your server or with the content of the page."

It seems a page or two crawled by google gets flagged with this message every 3 or 4 days. (there are 5 pages marked as slow now). I have my domain purchased directly through smugmug, and have just my smugmug account on the domain.

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  • BaldyBaldy Registered Users, Super Moderators Posts: 2,853 moderator
    edited March 19, 2014
    Hi Kevin,

    Thanks for flagging this. I don't have an immediate answer for this but it sounds critically important, so over the next few hours we'll be investigating. I'll be back to you within a few hours with a status update.

  • KQuinlanKQuinlan Registered Users Posts: 53 Big grins
    edited March 19, 2014
    Thanks I really appreciate you taking a look at it. Contact me if you need any more details/specifics

    Visit Kevin On - Twitter | Facebook | Google + | Pinterest
  • BaldyBaldy Registered Users, Super Moderators Posts: 2,853 moderator
    edited March 19, 2014
    KQuinlan wrote: »
    Thanks I really appreciate you taking a look at it. Contact me if you need any more details/specifics

    And the answer is... On February 7th we made a change to make it possible for Google to index some pages it wasn't seeing, and inadvertently introduced a bug that kept Google from seeing public pages that it had already been seeing.

    It took time for the results to show in Google. 4-5 days ago we fixed the bug we introduced, so hopefully you'll see your numbers return to where they were (or higher, since we think both issues are fixed).

    Importantly, we believe the issue affected visibility, not SEO, so your ranking should return to where it was or higher once Google re-sees the pages that temporarily went dark.

    This is a really painful bug, and I can't tell you how sorry we are this happened. Please let us know how your ranking tracks over the next few days/weeks.
  • KQuinlanKQuinlan Registered Users Posts: 53 Big grins
    edited March 19, 2014
    Ok thanks for the candid update. Glad to hear it is fixed. I will keep you posted to see if it makes a difference.

    Visit Kevin On - Twitter | Facebook | Google + | Pinterest
  • essex1970essex1970 Registered Users Posts: 35 Big grins
    edited March 20, 2014
    Hi Baldy,
    I have the same issue here than KQuinan. I was ready to create a new post when I saw this one, so I'm more than happy to see your answer! Question: how long it's gonna take to have the crawled pages rank back to normal? As for today 03/20, nothing changed. Do we must be patient?
  • KQuinlanKQuinlan Registered Users Posts: 53 Big grins
    edited March 20, 2014
    Thanks essex1970, it helps me rule out some things if your site had the same issues (as your site has no adds or links out other than to social sites). I resubmitted my sitemap in Web Master Tools, to see if that would speed up Google coming back to crawl the pages. Ill post when/if mine starts to go back up. Also, nice site and nice photography :)

    This is the last 6 days... 3-11 to 3-17 could be a sign of an upward trend, but too small and too early to tell yet.

    Visit Kevin On - Twitter | Facebook | Google + | Pinterest
  • BaldyBaldy Registered Users, Super Moderators Posts: 2,853 moderator
    edited March 20, 2014
    essex1970 wrote: »
    Hi Baldy,
    I have the same issue here than KQuinan. I was ready to create a new post when I saw this one, so I'm more than happy to see your answer! Question: how long it's gonna take to have the crawled pages rank back to normal? As for today 03/20, nothing changed. Do we must be patient?
    Good question, essex1970. I wish I had an answer for you but we don't really know the timing of Googlebot, how it prioritizes sites to crawl, etc. Hopefully it's days.
  • essex1970essex1970 Registered Users Posts: 35 Big grins
    edited March 20, 2014
    Baldy, just for your information:
    Baldy wrote: »
    Good question, essex1970. I wish I had an answer for you but we don't really know the timing of Googlebot, how it prioritizes sites to crawl, etc. Hopefully it's days.

    I got a warning on google web. tools about my sitemap today:

    URLs not accessible
    When we tested a sample of the URLs from your Sitemap, we found that some URLs were not accessible to Googlebot due to an HTTP status error. All accessible URLs will still be submitted.
    HTTP Error: 400
    URL: /sitemap-galleryimages.xml.gz

    Is it from the bug you discovered earlyer or is it from something I'm doing wrong?
    Thanks for any advice!
  • KQuinlanKQuinlan Registered Users Posts: 53 Big grins
    edited March 20, 2014
    I also have a new warning :
    "Some URLs listed in this Sitemap have a high response time. This may indicate a problem with your server or with the content of the page."
    and it was detected on 3/20/14

    I still have another Warning on there for:
    "URLs not accessible
    When we tested a sample of the URLs from your Sitemap, we found that some URLs were not accessible to Googlebot due to an HTTP status error. All accessible URLs will still be submitted."
    Issues: 85
    HTTP Error: 404
    Although the 2nd one is listed as last detected Jan 19th 2014
    Visit Kevin On - Twitter | Facebook | Google + | Pinterest
  • BaldyBaldy Registered Users, Super Moderators Posts: 2,853 moderator
    edited March 21, 2014
    Hmmmm, we have an engineer looking into this. Thanks for the heads-up.
  • denisegoldbergdenisegoldberg Administrators Posts: 14,422 moderator
    edited March 22, 2014
    I'm seeing major problems with findability as noted in the Descriptions Not Working > Folder description not used thread.

    I'm duplicating my last post in that thread here:
    Here is my Google Index Status from the past year:

    The last high point just short of the mid-point was from July 14, 2013. Things have been steadily going downhill from there. On 7/14/2013 the total indexed was 28,868. The latest total indexed is 3,578. That's a huge drop.

    Note that I unveiled my new smug site on the day on which it was first available.

    This is a serious problem, and one that I don't believe I caused.

    I did just manually submit the site to index as I haven't done that recently. I'm hoping that improves things, but I shouldn't need to resubmit it. And note that there was a submission in September of last year; the site has been dropping since before then.

    I am also seeing a large number of warnings, many that match those reported above.


    Update / clarification on 24 March 2014:
    I just looked a little deeper into the errors reported on the sitemaps above. As it turns out there are warnings but no errors. Interesting thing is that while the top page shows the date of the submission and the number of errors, they appear to be in the past and not from my most current submission.

    --- Denise
  • Darter02Darter02 Registered Users Posts: 947 Major grins
    edited March 22, 2014
    Thought I'd post the same info as above.


  • essex1970essex1970 Registered Users Posts: 35 Big grins
    edited March 24, 2014
    ...So. what's up?
  • gibertigiberti Registered Users, Vanilla Admin Posts: 27 SmugMug Employee
    edited March 24, 2014
    I'm the engineer that Baldy mentioned who's looking into the issues. I don't have an answer for you yet, but I wanted you to know I am actively looking into this. Additionally, I've reached out to several people for more information.
    APIv2 and OAuth are your friend! Having issues? Just ask, I can help!
  • essex1970essex1970 Registered Users Posts: 35 Big grins
    edited March 24, 2014
    giberti wrote: »
    I'm the engineer that Baldy mentioned who's looking into the issues. I don't have an answer for you yet, but I wanted you to know I am actively looking into this. Additionally, I've reached out to several people for more information.
  • BaldyBaldy Registered Users, Super Moderators Posts: 2,853 moderator
    edited March 24, 2014
    essex1970 wrote: »
    ...So. what's up?
    Our QA hasn't been able to replicate the errors Google is reporting, so Erik has been pinging via PM some of you to get specific URLs that are reporting errors so we can figure out what's happening.
  • essex1970essex1970 Registered Users Posts: 35 Big grins
    edited March 24, 2014
    URL errors from webmaster tools I got today, if that can help? Never got these..

    URL Response Code News Error Detected 404 3/21/2014 Not found 404 3/21/2014 Not found 404 3/21/2014 Not found 404 3/21/2014 Not found 404 3/21/2014 Not found 404 3/21/2014 Not found 404 3/21/2014 Not found 404 3/21/2014 Not found 404 3/22/2014 Not found 404 3/22/2014 Not found
  • denisegoldbergdenisegoldberg Administrators Posts: 14,422 moderator
    edited March 24, 2014
    Baldy wrote: »
    Our QA hasn't been able to replicate the errors Google is reporting, so Erik has been pinging via PM some of you to get specific URLs that are reporting errors so we can figure out what's happening.
    I just replied to Erik's PM. Unfortunately I wasn't able to find the source of the problem. I found it very odd that while Google reported a lot of warnings on my site (as it turns out, they were all warnings, not errors) it didn't supply any recent details. No warnings or errors based on my recent submission.

    I'm still concerned about the drop in the site index though.

    Thanks to you and to Erik for your attention to this.

    --- Denise
  • BaldyBaldy Registered Users, Super Moderators Posts: 2,853 moderator
    edited March 25, 2014
    I just replied to Erik's PM. Unfortunately I wasn't able to find the source of the problem. I found it very odd that while Google reported a lot of warnings on my site (as it turns out, they were all warnings, not errors) it didn't supply any recent details. No warnings or errors based on my recent submission.

    I'm still concerned about the drop in the site index though.

    Thanks to you and to Erik for your attention to this.

    --- Denise
    Thank you. Yesterday we added two more engineers to help Erik unravel what's happening and we have some theories we're chasing down, but no definitive answers yet, unfortunately. :cry The leading theory has to do with performance when responding to Googlebot (as opposed to you when you're browsing). That's the avenue we're pursuing currently.
  • essex1970essex1970 Registered Users Posts: 35 Big grins
    edited March 25, 2014
    Baldy wrote: »
    Thank you. Yesterday we added two more engineers to help Erik unravel what's happening and we have some theories we're chasing down, but no definitive answers yet, unfortunately. :cry The leading theory has to do with performance when responding to Googlebot (as opposed to you when you're browsing). That's the avenue we're pursuing currently.

    Any update by any chance?
    thank you.
  • essex1970essex1970 Registered Users Posts: 35 Big grins
    edited March 27, 2014
  • gibertigiberti Registered Users, Vanilla Admin Posts: 27 SmugMug Employee
    edited March 28, 2014
    Hello DGrinners,

    Sorry for the radio silence. I’ve been working with three other engineers to address the performance issues with Googlebot. While we are not done yet, we wanted to circle back with an update.

    What have we done?
    We studied our past data, and the data provided by some of you. We learned that the trend started even before we launched the new SmugMug. In order to address it, we’ve made some minor adjustments to the description meta-data tag for pages and folders. You will see the meta data tags updated for all of your folders and pages to properly reflect the values you set. Additionally, we identified some slow calls in the rendering of the page for Googlebot. For these, we’re taking a two phase approach. First we’ve identified a few page assets that were not delivering as optimally as we would like. We have already begun fixing these and have even pushed some live. Second, we have identified some assets that don’t make sense to serve to a robot. We will begin removing these over time.

    What’s next?
    We have added additional monitoring and alerting to our bot tier to ensure we know immediately if performance degrades. We have also identified a couple of additional resources that are loaded on each page that we will be speeding up. These will go live as we finish them. You may continue to see some slow page loads in your webmaster tools, but they should be decreasing in frequency already.

    So for the burning question, how long until the world is set right again?
    Unfortunately we just don’t know. Google searches on their own frequency and while we see lots and lots of traffic from Googlebot every day, we can’t be certain when it will crawl your site next. You can always submit the Sitemap file again in the webmaster tools to be sure it has the most up to date information.
    APIv2 and OAuth are your friend! Having issues? Just ask, I can help!
  • KQuinlanKQuinlan Registered Users Posts: 53 Big grins
    edited March 28, 2014
    Thanks for your in depth work. Stuff can go wrong everywhere when the internet is involved, but it is great to see you guys tackling this issue aggressively. I appreciate it.

    Visit Kevin On - Twitter | Facebook | Google + | Pinterest
  • denisegoldbergdenisegoldberg Administrators Posts: 14,422 moderator
    edited March 28, 2014
    giberti wrote: »
    Sorry for the radio silence. I’ve been working with three other engineers to address the performance issues with Googlebot. While we are not done yet, we wanted to circle back with an update.
    Thanks so much for your work and for the update; it's greatly appreciated.

    --- Denise
  • KQuinlanKQuinlan Registered Users Posts: 53 Big grins
    edited April 2, 2014
    On my site, search traffic does seem to be picking up a little bit over the past few days (March 29-30th). Checking keyword rankings in Google webmaster tools, I am now ranking top 10 for 14 keywords. Two weeks ago (March 14th -15th), it was only two or three keywords. Hopefully a sign things are changing?

    For a point of reference, it was top 10 for 196 keywords on of Feb 1st-2nd
    Visit Kevin On - Twitter | Facebook | Google + | Pinterest
  • KQuinlanKQuinlan Registered Users Posts: 53 Big grins
    edited April 3, 2014
    Not sure if this could be related to some of the sitemap errors? Doubt it, but figured I would post it anyway for the people working on it :
    Visit Kevin On - Twitter | Facebook | Google + | Pinterest
  • KQuinlanKQuinlan Registered Users Posts: 53 Big grins
    edited April 9, 2014
    Good news... It appears to be fixed. This is my search inquiries graph for 3/13 to 4/7 As of 4/8 and 4/9 I have been getting nearly doubble the traffic :) Thanks!
    Visit Kevin On - Twitter | Facebook | Google + | Pinterest
  • BaldyBaldy Registered Users, Super Moderators Posts: 2,853 moderator
    edited April 9, 2014
    KQuinlan wrote: »
    Good news... It appears to be fixed. This is my search inquiries graph for 3/13 to 4/7 As of 4/8 and 4/9 I have been getting nearly doubble the traffic :) Thanks!
    Whew! Big relief and thanks for the update. Erik did a lot of good work but I've been sitting on pins and needles wondering when Googlebot would get around to indexing some of these pages.

    Btw, not by way of complaining but to say our interests are aligned, Googlebot costs us roughly $1 million a year in compute and bandwidth costs, so we want to get the most out of that investment too.
  • David_S85David_S85 Administrators Posts: 13,316 moderator
    edited April 9, 2014
    Baldy wrote: »
    ...Googlebot costs us roughly $1 million a year in compute and bandwidth costs, so we want to get the most out of that investment too.
    (emphasis mine)

    My Smugmug
    "You miss 100% of the shots you don't take" - Wayne Gretzky
  • Darter02Darter02 Registered Users Posts: 947 Major grins
    edited April 10, 2014
    Thanks! I see the same trends in my Search Queries graph as well. Slightly more than double impressions!
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