Why Can I insert any content into homepage body?
I'm trying to rebuild my website and having trouble.
I can't insert any content onto homepage.
I do not understand what i have done wrong...
I'm familiar with new smugmug but i'm spending hours to figure out this issue.
I attached the screenshot file.
The highlighted area doesn't appear when I drag the content onto the site content area.
After I release the mouse left click, the highlighted area appears but only like doted line. not like box area...
Please help!
I can't insert any content onto homepage.
I do not understand what i have done wrong...
I'm familiar with new smugmug but i'm spending hours to figure out this issue.
I attached the screenshot file.
The highlighted area doesn't appear when I drag the content onto the site content area.
After I release the mouse left click, the highlighted area appears but only like doted line. not like box area...
Please help!
Support Hero and Customeister
You can Drag a HTML in the body
then on css of that block use
Thanks for your reply.
I have tried dragging the block onto the highlighted area ( It doesn't show up when I'm dragging the content block though ), next to left menu bar but some reason I'm not allowed to fill any content only on homepage. The rest of page I was able to add on but only on homepage I having trouble with...
Not making any sense..
highlighting "homepage" and adding the content.
My Website index | My Blog
Did you try to expand the html css and then drag the html in ?
Also if you just want it on your home page then you need to use in the css for it.
My Website index | My Blog
I have been trying to drag the block onto the homepage content area with the "homepage" highlighted" not "entire site"
So weird and feel like dumb from that I'm not able to do I had done before...
I think I have figured out. I SUPPOSE to drop the block into the very specific area right above the doted green line. Jee...
Literally I tried more than hundred times and It worked!