Fixed url in Gallery
Is it posssible to get a fixed url on the galleryes ?
If you share a URL for a Gallery, and later move it to a new folder, the URL is broken.
If the gallery has an uniq URL id ( the URL will be correct all the time, and give more flexibility on changes on the site.
Rule of abstraction in programming.
Why no adopt :-)
If you share a URL for a Gallery, and later move it to a new folder, the URL is broken.
If the gallery has an uniq URL id ( the URL will be correct all the time, and give more flexibility on changes on the site.
Rule of abstraction in programming.
Why no adopt :-)
on NewSmug. Using these like we did in legacy still works and NewSmug redirects to current galley.
If you look about 30 lines down you'll see feed links. At the end are the AlbumID and AlbumKey.
<link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" ... RSS Feed" href="/hack/" />
<link rel="alternate" type="application/atom+xml"... Atom Feed" href="/hack/" />
I just checked old gallery links in my blog and they still work because they
have the AlbumID and AlbumKey at the end. Lucky, because I changed every
one on NewSmug by adding an extra folder level.
My Website index | My Blog
folder there's no AlbumID and AlbumKey. Will NewSmug redirect with just the gallery name?
If not this breaks every link no mater where like on blogs, forums, etc.
My Website index | My Blog
Use the "get a permalink" feature, and it'll give you a link for the gallery that will continue to work even if the gallery is moved.
No, if you have a link to a gallery then it must contain the AlbumID and AlbumKey in order to find it in its new location. If you have a link to an image file though, that will continue to work even if its containing gallery is moved.
Please check out my gallery of customisations for the New SmugMug, more to come!