Gallery passwords not visible in settings
Having the gallery passwords appear as '********' in the settings panel is causing a real issue - we have clients asking for access to older galleries and I can't see or remember what the passwords were set to. We have galleries that are accessed via passwords by lots of people over long periods, so I don't want to have to reset the passwords for obvious reasons. It would be a lot easier if I could just see what the existing passwords are!
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You and I may/may-not agree with it, but it's not going to change (in foreseeable future).
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If a service sends you an email with the password you've set up with them, it tells you that they do not keep your passwords in a secure fashion. If their password reminder feature has a way to look up your password, a hacker getting into their system would likely be able to do the same.
SmugMug Support Hero
Were not talking about the main SM account password either (which I imagine are a far more attractive target for hackers), these are OPTIONAL gallery passwords.
Either way I get the feeling that this is another SM know's best situation, so not much point in complaining any longer. Lump it or move on, simples.
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