Four views of Morro Rock
From trip a couple of weekends ago. Went for nice paddle across Morro Bay to the sand spit that protects the bay from the ocean. If you're in the area, rent a kayak in Morro Bay (I recommend Kayak Horizons) and definitely head over to the sand spit with camera in tow.
The final two pics were taken from Morro Bay State Park.


B&W version:



Morro Rock can be a little tricky owing to the big power plant with a trio of 450-foot tall smoke stacks that is just out of view on the right side of the frame on the first two pics. I guess photographers were not considered in the EIR, if they did EIRs back in the early 1950s :deal
C&C always welcome and thanks for looking!
The final two pics were taken from Morro Bay State Park.


B&W version:



Morro Rock can be a little tricky owing to the big power plant with a trio of 450-foot tall smoke stacks that is just out of view on the right side of the frame on the first two pics. I guess photographers were not considered in the EIR, if they did EIRs back in the early 1950s :deal
C&C always welcome and thanks for looking!
Done with nits. Sorry. They're your images and lovely as is.
I also like the last shot. I think what appeals to me is that I know the location, and that is Morro Rock, but I don't know that it would be as strong an image for someone that doesn't.
Moderator of the People and Go Figure forums
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nice shots, too bad about the limited POV's - darn progress....
Thanks for sharing
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