galleries within galleries
Right now I have a hierarchy of UntamedNewYork - Galleries - and I have 35 galleries within the "galleries" link. I'd like another subset so I can consolidate some of these to be less busy. For instance my individual parades and events galleries could be included in a "Parades" gallery so it would be less messy.
What's the best procedure to follow? IF I click on a gallery in "organze" mode I don't get an option to create ...
What's the best procedure to follow? IF I click on a gallery in "organze" mode I don't get an option to create ...
To create a folder, click on the folder in which you want to create the new folder, then click the Create button and specify folder.
See help page at
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
will decease the height of every cell in the drop.
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Allen I'm not sure what you mean by gallery drop on my homepage ... I have a slideshow and text on my homepage ... and what is a gallery drop anyway???
So if my top folder is UntamedNewYork - I would create a folder in there for "galleries" and in the galleries folder I would create another folder for, say, "parades" and within parades I would create separate galleries for specific events?
number in the drop so it's ok now.
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Yes, thanks, I'm reorganizing - kind of made a mess at the moment ... I do not find the new smugmug to be intuitive when it comes to customizing ...
I can't find the page you're referring to. Got a direct link?
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and this:
They are both folders and I believe I have customized them the same way ...
Going crazy now ...
Drop looks much better.
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Ah well they changed it on me ...
One is a folders box and other a galleries box.
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