Comments Problems

I just don't get this comments needing a login thing.
I logged out to see what a customer sees and clicked on the comments block to try to enter a comment. Four little squares start to rotate and no obvious way to log in is shown.
Worse then that the whole thing seems to just lock up and I can't escape by clicking a different picture.
I have to close the browser to get things right again.
No wonder I never receive any comments anymore.
I logged out to see what a customer sees and clicked on the comments block to try to enter a comment. Four little squares start to rotate and no obvious way to log in is shown.
Worse then that the whole thing seems to just lock up and I can't escape by clicking a different picture.
I have to close the browser to get things right again.
No wonder I never receive any comments anymore.
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You have to be logged in to FB, G+ or SmugMug to leave a comment.
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password, not some other site. They should not have to "log in" again.
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I logged out of smugmug to see what a typical viewer sees. If you click on the comment block everything just locks up.
You are not testing this if you are logged in. That's the issue.
By the way, I am always logged in on FB and G+ but that doesn't let me in.
Clicking on the comment block just goes to the four spinning squares.
I assume there is supposed to be a login diolog, but all I get is the endless four spinning squares.
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I duplicated this problem on a couple different Smugmug sites...if I'm logged out and click the comment box, I get four spinning squares, and the text inside the comment box tells me I need to log in. But if I'm an average Joe not knowing anything about Smugmug, it's not obvious to me at all how I would log in. I would expect some sort of buttons or links right next to the comment box but there's nothing there.
So apparently the only people who can leave comments are those that have a smugmug site and are logged in!
If anyone else tries to leave a comment the site appears to be frozen.
This is insane.
Support Hero
I tried chrome and got the login dialog.
If you use Firefox all you get is the four spinning squares.
Just left a comment on your site in Chrome and another one in Firefox. In all 3 browsers I was *logged out* of SmugMug. In Chrome and Firefox I was logged out of Facebook as well and was just asked to log in and I was then able to leave the comment.
Maybe there is something with your system, Dennis? What version of Firefox are you using? Have you tried emailing the SmugMug help desk?
Support Hero
I'm using the latest version of Firefox 28.
If it's my system, why is pbandj having the exact same problem?
It will not let the login popup appear.
This is a very common program that many people use.
I can disable it for myself but many viewers will still not be able to leave a comment.
I don't use this add-on, but obviously something else is stopping the login box from popping up.
I had the problem only with Firefox. I did a "restart with add-ons disabled" and it worked.
So I dissabled the add-ons one by one till I found the one that was causing the problem for me.
While it fixes the problem for me it doesn't mean that my viewers are able to leave comments.
They could have the same add-on or a different one that causes the comments not to work for them.
Since the new smugmug I get almost no comments. I used to get a steady stream of them before.
I didn't get a steady stream, but I'm a birder and sometimes my birding friends commented on my photos...especially ones where I'd asked for help with a tricky ID problem. Now I get nothing.