Unable to Upload to SmugMug Network

For two days now I have been unable to upload. I have been round and round with three different Heroes and no resolve of this issue. I keep asking for them to turn this issue over to a network specialist or engineer as they call it, but they have failed to do so. I have contacted my ISP to have them look into it and they confirm the issue is not on their network and lies on the Amazon.com network. I have attached a pingplot from my computer to show you all the network hops from my computer to the Smugmug upload server. Please take a look and if you have some experience with networking please explain to Smugmug what the problem is. Thank you!
Sorry for the delay in resolving this issue and thank you for your patience. In looking at your upload log, we see nothing but error messages and deleted files. The 40-50 deleted files seemed to have uploaded without issues (at different times) and most uploaded in 12-20 seconds. So it appears successful uploading is possible, given the right conditions. The error messages in your log, point to either firewall blocking or connection related issues. With so many successful uploads in a row (the deleted files again), it's doubtful that there's a firewall blocking uploads. So that leaves connection. We understand that you may not agree. We also see your email and graph have been forwarded to our network specialists. They should be able to reply in the morning.
Again, thanks for hanging in there with us!
Thank you for the helpful information within your email. I wish the first three Heroes would have told me that AWS servers were not able to be pinged. That would have saved me some time and got me started on the right track from the beginning. I am also surprised that my ISP technician did not know that information and relay it to me. Anyways, I went down the wrong road from the start. This was an issue on my end and I resolved it. Last night I transferred a few gigs of files to another pc (laptop) that also had Windows 7 on it and I was able to upload just fine. When I saw that this morning I realized that this was probably an isolated issue with my main pc. I double checked all my cabling from my main pc to router etc…etc..with the Windows 7 laptop, and uploading to SmugMug was still fine. So it had to be an isolated issue with my main pc. I recently flashed my motherboard on my main pc to the newest bios and reset all the parameters back to where I had them before. Apparently, combination of new motherboard bios + slight overvoltage of memory modules + slightly aggressive memory timings were affecting my uploads. Strange, because exact same settings with old bios I did not have an issue. Stock memory voltage and memory timings fixed this issue. My current overclock of quadcore processor does not cause any uploading issues for me. I am sorry for putting all you heroes through this hassle, but in retrospect, please don’t tell an old gamer to run a trace route to your upload server if you know it is not able to pinged or it will certainly raise some red flags when he sees 100% packet loss and destination unreachable. If you do ask him to run a trace route, please also tell him the helpful information within the email below. I am not sure as to why I am unable to run your line test here: http://upload.smugmug.com/test/line-quality/ I do have the latest version of JRE installed on all three of my Windows 7 computers, and all of them hang after the firewall check is 100% complete. I would have to assume it may be the way my router is set up. I am not running any other firewalls except for windows firewall, and turning that off does not allow it to finish either. I am, however, able to run java speedtests just fine and I do so on a regular basis. You can close this issue as it is resolved. Sorry for all the trouble.
B. Ward
From: SmugMug Heroes /COLOR][EMAIL="helpdesk@smugmug.com"][COLOR=#0000ff]mailto:helpdesk@smugmug.com[/COLOR][/EMAIL][COLOR=white
Sent: Tuesday, April 01, 2014 7:18 AM
Subject: RE: Photo Upload and Processing by your servers is ridiculously slow and unreliable today.
Please type your reply at the top of the email...
Josh Lawson
APR 01, 2014 | 05:17AM PDT
Thanks for getting back to us. The timeouts in the traceroute are very normal. You will always see a 3 timeouts in a traceroute/ping plot if the server in question is configured to simply not respond to ICMP pings. This is very common, and is not problematic. You will always see timeouts in a traceroute once you hit Amazon, so that is perfectly normal. That doesn't have anything to do with the issue you are reporting. In other words, *every* traceroute to upload.smugmug.com will show 100% packet loss, as Amazon's servers do not respond to pings. The traceroute is used to reveal other info about the path of the signal before it reaches Amazon, which also looks very normal in your case, from what I can see.
I checked your upload log, and I'm seeing hundreds of successful uploaded files in the past 24 hours. Does this seem to be working better for you now? If you are still having problems, could you give us more information about the exact problem? Are you getting errors in the uploader? I do see two errored files in your upload log out of a few hundred uploads, though all the other images look to have uploaded in around 20 seconds per image or so, which is fairly typical for most high-speed connections. You can view your upload log in the Stats area in your Account Settings, or by clicking here:
If you could give us more information about what you are seeing while the upload is in progress, that will help us to troubleshoot further.
We're standing by,
SmugMug Support Hero
I couldn't get it past the 100% firewall test either, and I tried on Firefox, IE 11 and Chrome, with the latest version of JRE also, I'm running Windows 8.1 x 64 and nothing unusual firewall wise. But I guess more importantly it gets to 100%.