Jeromy - Both these images are wonderful. The light hitting the trees and flowers adds a dramatic look to the images. Both are wonderfully sharp. Hard for me to pick which of the two I like best. I really like the contrast of the 1st image especially the foreground but the yellow light on the trees in the second shot is quite effective. I guess I would have to chose the first but I can safely say you should be very happy with both images! Well done!
Both are HDR using 7 shots. I do my best to apply just enough affect to add the depth while keeping a natural look. I just recently learned the High Pass sharpening technique in PS and it works wonderfully on these types of shots!
Very nice. What a great place to take photos! I could see how a low to the ground panoramic could work here too. I suppose I say that because I just visited winning panoramics on with this one as an example:, although I would like the foreground tulips sharper.
Both are HDR using 7 shots. I do my best to apply just enough affect to add the depth while keeping a natural look. I just recently learned the High Pass sharpening technique in PS and it works wonderfully on these types of shots!
Light is everything in life and photography.
Thanks for posting.
"You don't take a photograph, you make it." ~Ansel Adams
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