Man & flower jar

First I apologize for the quality of the shot.
It was taken with a V2 that can't focus beyond the window that it was shot thru.
The CA was terrible and it's over cooked, but I like it; it would have been gone , but for the roses
It was taken with a V2 that can't focus beyond the window that it was shot thru.
The CA was terrible and it's over cooked, but I like it; it would have been gone , but for the roses

I saw tension in the chaps posture (he wasn't relaxed)
I left the boulders in to offset the funky pimpled wall behind (it does over weigh one side tho')
I just wonder if cropping out the doorway - and thus removing the 'link to reality' - would help the 'sense of mystery / tension' in the scene ?
I would if it were mine.
Valid comments both
so when we shoot we compose and crop...
In this case this chap was alone & desolate in a pretty crowded venue
The figures on the right are reflections of a portion of a crowd of people
I found interest in the juxtaposition, which is not fully displayed in the shot.
Thanks for the C&C
Whilst I also try to do this, sometimes it's not possible / practical in my world, since the AF point I'd prefer to use for compositional reasons is less likely to lock on than the more sensitive centre point.
Also, with subjects that can easily turn thro' 180 deg (say) and disappear at any time, sometimes one has to hedge bets, get 'a' shot in order to stand any chance of getting 'the' shot.
Regardless, still like the shot ... he looks a little 'Brando-ish' to me,too
A marvellous shot either way!
While I wish I had taken that photo, I don't envy you in making the decision of
whether or not to crop the doorway. I can think of 12 reasons to leave it in, and
a dozen reasons to take it out.
Hi Tony
Thanks for the comment
It's poor quality and I wanted to avert that C&C aspect