Images look bad on retina display?

jdonggjdongg Registered Users Posts: 1 Beginner grinner
edited April 14, 2014 in SmugMug Support
Hi all,

I'm trying to set up my SmugMug site and I'm finding it looks really bad on my retina display (2560x1600). I'm uploading high-res files but for some reason on my homepage the photos don't look good at all.

They look good as large thumbnails in my gallery, but clicking on them and opening in full screen again causes some issues with the resolution. I'm uploading files around 2880x1800, so I'm positive the files are not the issue.

Any ideas how to fix this?

My site is located at


  • annnna8888annnna8888 Registered Users, Super Moderators Posts: 936 SmugMug Employee
    edited April 14, 2014
    Hi Justin,

    While you are uploading large files, you've limited the maximum display size in your gallery to X3L, which is 1600 pixels on the longest size. To display that on a larger retina display, the image is upsized, which results in blurriness. You will need to enable Originals in your gallery settings > security and privacy > maximum display size if you'd like sharp full-screen images on your homepage.

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  • denisegoldbergdenisegoldberg Administrators Posts: 14,422 moderator
    edited April 14, 2014
    annnna8888 wrote: »
    You will need to enable Originals in your gallery settings > security and privacy > maximum display size if you'd like sharp full-screen images on your homepage.
    Make sure to only enable Originals for the photos you use on your homepage as opposed to enabling them for all photos on your site.

    For a background on why I recommend not enabling Originals in all galleries, see ORIGINALS = a gateway to free photos, & right click protection is NOT PROTECTION.

    --- Denise
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