My application name

Ok I've seen the other thread saying that the applications we write cannot harbor the name SmugMug. I'm wondering how far this stretches. I've created a project named SmugPlay. Is that too close? Do I have to rename it?
kc7dji :scratch
kc7dji :scratch
Hi kc,
Will it be sold commercially? Or available for free?
More here from Onethumb. I don't think anything's changed since he wrote that, but he'll have the final say on it, regardless.
Moved to the Hacks, Apps, API forum.
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Wait for Onethumb. What's the app all about?
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It's a Windows application that lets you modify your album settins right at your desktop. It talks to smugmug via the RCP methods.
Nice little toy application.
Looks awesome!
SmugPlay is absolutely fine. Great name, too.