Sharing a gallery to Facebook
In the legacy SM (which was a heck of a lot easier to use!!!) we were able to share a gallery to Facebook. Smugmug would pick an image from the gallery (allow us to select a different one if we didn't like its choice) and would post a 'blurb' which we wrote to our Facebook page along with a thumbnail of the selected image. If someone clicked on the image on Facebook, it would open the gallery in a new window.
I can't find that same ability in the new SM. All I can do is post a bunch of images into a photo album on Facebook. I don't want a photo album duplicating what I already have here on SM. If I did, I'd just post pictures to Facebook and save the money I pay SM each year.
Have I missed something?
If I sound a bit peeved and snarky, it's because I am. I find the new SM very user UN-friendly.
But the users in here have always been very helpful and I'm hoping someone can help me get over my frustrations, at least in this matter.
Thanks in advance for any help.
I can't find that same ability in the new SM. All I can do is post a bunch of images into a photo album on Facebook. I don't want a photo album duplicating what I already have here on SM. If I did, I'd just post pictures to Facebook and save the money I pay SM each year.
Have I missed something?
If I sound a bit peeved and snarky, it's because I am. I find the new SM very user UN-friendly.
But the users in here have always been very helpful and I'm hoping someone can help me get over my frustrations, at least in this matter.
Thanks in advance for any help.
You can find the share button below each photo. Click on it to find the Facebook option in it. You may have to click on a photo tile to open it in lightbox first before you can see the share button below it.
The share button at the top of the organize screen is for the publish to Facebook feature only.
SmugMug Support Hero
Thanks for the reply. Can you please confirm that this would link back to the entire gallery, not to just the image selected? Really appreciate the help.
EDIT: Just tried it out. It does not share the gallery, instead it shares the selected photo in the lightbox.
In the Legacy SM we could share just a link to the complete gallery, not just to an individual image. I guess we lost that ability with the new & improved SM?
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If SmugMug style is set, it'll show thumbnails on the left and the larger photo on the right. However, if you use collage landscape style, which uses lightbox to display photos, the link would open up the lightbox with that photo in the gallery. In both cases, the visitor would be able to see the other photos in the gallery. In the case of lightbox, he'd just need to use the lightbox navigation or close lightbox with the X in the upper right.
In case you're unsure on what gallery style you've set, I'd just recommend that you give it a try and post a photo on Facebook and then follow the link back yourself to see how it looks.
SmugMug Support Hero
then after it generates you can edit everything even the description.
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I have not figured out what to do to get it right.
I posted the URL from the browser URL field, to FB. I had set an image as the gallery thumbnail, and that image did post to FB with the gallery title. But unfortunately the "Hosting by Smugmug, your photos look better here" also posted under the gallery title. I'm so embarrassed I can hardly stand it.
What does one need to do to make sure that phrase is not posted?
that description, double click on it. I delete my pasted in link and add my text there. Usually I can
change thumbs but not always.
BTW, I found if you use the Smugmug share you can edit nothing.
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