'Multiple photos' not displayed in Firefox

Al ArthurAl Arthur Registered Users Posts: 6 Beginner grinner
edited April 24, 2014 in SmugMug Support
I've started a blog on my site within SmugMug, borrowing from Michael Bonocore's approach (thanks Michael!). Initially I thought it would be time-consuming to put together each post manually, but I must say that I enjoy the flexibility it gives.

It all looks as I intended in Chrome, but on a couple of the pages the 'multiple photos' entry doesn't display. e.g. http://www.alastairarthur.com/Blog/A-few-days-in-Frome In Chrome I see 4 photos, in Firefox only the first one.
Strangely, exactly the same format seems to work fine here: http://www.alastairarthur.com/Blog/A-week-in-Nice

Any ideas please?!


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