night shot and self portrait

I finally had a chance to do some fun photography (we moved recently and I've been super busy with other stuff).
Intended to shoot the lunar eclipse, but the day of was a travelling/set-up camp/do a half-days work and just had no time to set up for what I wanted with the eclipse. I got a few solo moon shots, but nothing to speak about.
Had some time over the next week to set up the way I wanted though.
1) Self portrait

2) Moon trail (second of two trials. I was having a hard time getting the colors to look normal during the high lunar noon, so with this one I took the foreground exposure from one of the last frames during the sunrise when the light was rather blue, which worked out better, I'm not sure if it was the lens or the camera settings I was having issues with).
Intended to shoot the lunar eclipse, but the day of was a travelling/set-up camp/do a half-days work and just had no time to set up for what I wanted with the eclipse. I got a few solo moon shots, but nothing to speak about.
Had some time over the next week to set up the way I wanted though.
1) Self portrait

2) Moon trail (second of two trials. I was having a hard time getting the colors to look normal during the high lunar noon, so with this one I took the foreground exposure from one of the last frames during the sunrise when the light was rather blue, which worked out better, I'm not sure if it was the lens or the camera settings I was having issues with).

Yeah, if you recognize the avatar, new user name.
thanks! This was my second attempt at moontrails, and I'm unaccountably happy how it turned out. Just to be clear though, everything in the images was done in the shots, the only thing I did in post processing was to stack the nights images together.
The landscape in #2 is quite ethereal looking - cool!