Multiple Featured Images?

zubenelgenubizubenelgenubi Registered Users Posts: 67 Big grins
edited April 24, 2014 in SmugMug Feature Requests
I was wondering if it would be possible to specify multiple "featured images" for a folder or gallery? Currently, you can only specify one - which is then used (possibly among other things) to render a thumbnail image onto the tiles that provide links to the folder or gallery. This is nice, but it means my site always looks the same. This gets a little old after a while. It would be a lot cooler (in my opinion) if the tiles could be rendered using in each case an image randomly selected from the designated set of featured images for that folder or gallery. Perhaps one elegant way to do this would be via a keyword?

Then my site could appear far more dynamic, with the images featured for each folder or gallery changing each time, but always using designated high-quality images.

- Mark Conde
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