Price list for individual photos
Hey smug folks. One question. The primary organization of my site is by location. Galleries are all broken down by town. That is all well and good, but I have an occasional panorama or square print mixed in with my normal 2x3 ratio images. In an effort to prevent the frustration someone from trying to order 8x10s and 5x7s from these I have upgraded from portfolio to pro. I can't seem to figure how to apply my new panorama price lists to the few individual panoramas that are in some of the galleries. Probably I am just not searching well enough. Anyone care to enlighten me as to the how and where of this?
You will need to go into the Account Settings > Business tab > Selling > Pricelists, then go into the panorama pricelist. On the right you will see "This pricelist is assigned to" and under that a Single Photos button. Click that Single Photos button to find the photo you want to assigned that pricelist to.
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--- Denise
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