Post to FB Question
In Legacy SM, we could pick 3-4 pics and link them as a post on FB. I've found where you can link a single image to FB that links back to the gallery, but I'd rather to able to link 3-4 as yu used to could do.
Is that ability gone away or am I overlooking it?
Is that ability gone away or am I overlooking it?
On to another related question though. I followed the steps and completed the publish. Got the email from SM saying the upload had been published, but 20 minutes after the email, it's still not showing up on FB.
How long should this take?
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It might be helpful if you could provide us with specific examples. Like a link to the photo you published along with the link to the photo on Facebook.
If you don't want to post this on a public forum, please contact the HelpDesk with details.
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