The Painted Cliffs on Maria Island
Hi, another shot from my recent trip to Tasmania. Maria Island is off the East coast of Tasmania just north of Hobart. Although it is likely that local aboriginals lived there for thousands of years, the first European to sail past was Abel Tasman in 1642. Its first recorded use as a Penal Settlement was in 1825.
The 'Painted Cliffs' are on the west side of the island just south of Hop Ground Bay and are as a result of mineral rich water percolating through the sandstone over millions of years.

Thanks for looking - C&C always appreciated.
Cheers, Richard.
The 'Painted Cliffs' are on the west side of the island just south of Hop Ground Bay and are as a result of mineral rich water percolating through the sandstone over millions of years.

Thanks for looking - C&C always appreciated.
Cheers, Richard.
This is a decent snapshot to share with your grandkids and something you might see in a Geology text book but there is nothing interesting going on in the photo. You have clear skies in midday which makes it impossible to shoot a wide angle scene. Since the 'painted rocks' are truly your subject matter you should have gone much closer and shot the details of the rocks, such as the color banding patterns. You need to look to make images more interesting rather than just taking a photo of the scene. Time of day and weather also play a large role in making a dynamic image.
Aaron Newman
Facebook: Capturing Light and Emotion
I like how the broad view ties together the cliffs themselves with the surrounding countryside. It gives me a good sense for how the terrain plays out. Sure, had you elected to include additional views, some close-ups may well bring out additional perhaps different lighting would also do. Under the circumstances, though, I judge your image to be very successful.
Besides, when I'm down at the local Starbucks and someone brings up the Painted Cliffs on Maria Island, I'll know exactly what they're referring to.
Nice work, Richard,
Hi Aaron, I appreciate your comments and agree with you that the shot is lacking 'action' or a real focal point. It was my first trip to Maria Island (which is only accessible by private boat or small ferry which leaves at 4:30pm - miss it and you are stuffed!) I took the shots at about 3pm whilst the tide was still quite high which prevented being able to stand away from the rock. Anyway - enough of the mitigating excuses - I will post some more which may provide more interest.
Cheers, Richard.
Hi, agreed. Will try to get back there one day - however late afternoon is the best time as the cliffs face west.
Cheers, Richard.
Hi Tom, thank you for looking in and commenting. I will pick up on your suggestion and post some additional shots - I'm sure that will get things going in Starbucks:D
Cheers, Richard.
vooral de kleuren erg mooi.
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