In the old days, I could edit mulitiple images

but now I can't figure out how to do so = I looked in help, I looked all around the gallery where I want to do the work...but I can't find the place where I can put all the images and then edit them en masse - I tried to search here under 'editting multiple' but maybe that was a bad search Help - I can't begin to edit one by one....and stay sane.
Thanks much.
Thanks much.
Victoria L. Herring
Customized travel research and planning
Through the eyes of JourneyZing, Images that will Transport You.
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Customized travel research and planning
Through the eyes of JourneyZing, Images that will Transport You.
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Customized travel research and planning
Through the eyes of JourneyZing, Images that will Transport You.
Photographs at:
When you are logged in, click the ORGANIZE link at the top, which will take you to the "new" world.
Navigate to any gallery and you can multiple-click images to move them, etc.
To bulk edit keywords/captions:
Click the gallery name (left side)
There is a wrench icon at the top, follow to edit them.