More dynamic looking keyword cloud

pilotdavepilotdave Registered Users Posts: 785 Major grins
edited April 30, 2014 in SmugMug Feature Requests
Smugmug changed the way keywords are "grouped" in CSS, really ruining the look of the keyword cloud in new smug.

In both new and legacy, keywords are grouped into 10 "levels." Level 1 is the least used keywords and level 10 is the most used keywords. The problem with new smug is that in any particular keyword list, levels 2-10 represent a single keyword each. Level 1 consists of all the remaining keywords.

Using CSS, we can change the style of each level of keyword. For example, we can make level 1 very small and level 10 really big. But since all but 9 keywords are level 1, the keyword cloud looks very boring. In a list of 1000 keywords, only 9 keywords will look different from the other 991. This was not the case in legacy. Here are examples:


New Smug:

In legacy it was a keyword cloud. In new smug, it's a wall of text.

The fix is to put the bottom 10 percent of keywords into level 1, the next 10 percent into level 2, the top 10 percent into level 10, and so on.

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