Blip in how some pages are loading Investigating - A small number of people may experience momentary issues with how some website pages are displaying. We're getting to the bottom of this bug and will update with more info once we've made a fix.
May 1, 15:33 PDT
Can't see my photos either.
I am at a quandry. I can see my home page and folders but the Galleries do not show up in either IE or Chrome. I am probably doing something wrong but for the life of me can not figure it out. My Galleries and photos show up fine in the Organize panel and I can move them around but when I save and publish, I still cannot see the contents of Galleries. I am jwhaidephoto.
I have just the opposite, galleries show up minus the top menu and banner but no folders/galleries on folder pages show up.
All is seen and ok in organizer.
I am at a quandry. I can see my home page and folders but the Galleries do not show up in either IE or Chrome. I am probably doing something wrong but for the life of me can not figure it out. My Galleries and photos show up fine in the Organize panel and I can move them around but when I save and publish, I still cannot see the contents of Galleries. I am jwhaidephoto.
I'm not seeing any issues going to your site . I can access the browse section, open a folder and access the galleries in it. If you're still having an issue, can you walk us through what you do and what happens? Also include an example for a gallery you're seeing this issue for.
Does the issue happen with another browser as well?
What browser version and operating system do you use?
Can you include a screenshot of your whole screen showing the issue? Here's how to take one.
Investigating - A small number of people may experience momentary issues with how some website pages are displaying. We're getting to the bottom of this bug and will update with more info once we've made a fix.
May 1, 15:33 PDT
Photo Blog
Photo Blog
Facebook Fan Page
I am at a quandry. I can see my home page and folders but the Galleries do not show up in either IE or Chrome. I am probably doing something wrong but for the life of me can not figure it out. My Galleries and photos show up fine in the Organize panel and I can move them around but when I save and publish, I still cannot see the contents of Galleries. I am jwhaidephoto.
John Haide
All is seen and ok in organizer.
My Website index | My Blog
Does the issue happen with another browser as well?
What browser version and operating system do you use?
Can you include a screenshot of your whole screen showing the issue? Here's how to take one.
SmugMug Support Hero