Feedback, please.
I took these shots at the park yesterday, and I'd love some feedback. They all look a touch oversaturated online, because the ezprints color profile has been stripped out. So imagine them a little less saturated.
This is a portrait I took of my cousin and her family. I shot RAW, processed it twice, once exposed for the background and once for the foreground, then used layer masks to composite the two.

This one is of Maya. I love the lighting on her face, and I hate the distracting towel in the background. No fancy compositing here, just one exposure. What do you think?

One last from the day prior. No people, but still wondering what you all think. Cropped and blurred the background. Note: I got help on this one from master horse shooter, lynnesite.
This is a portrait I took of my cousin and her family. I shot RAW, processed it twice, once exposed for the background and once for the foreground, then used layer masks to composite the two.

This one is of Maya. I love the lighting on her face, and I hate the distracting towel in the background. No fancy compositing here, just one exposure. What do you think?

One last from the day prior. No people, but still wondering what you all think. Cropped and blurred the background. Note: I got help on this one from master horse shooter, lynnesite.

Amazing work!
Thanks. I actually ordered an 8x10 of the horses for my daughter's room.
One thing I'm curious about is on the first portrait if anyone can tell that I composited two different exposures? I can see some small mistakes, and I wonder if anyone else can. If they can, then theyr'e no longer small mistakes, if you know what I mean. It's one thing for the retoucher to see them, another for someone else to see them.
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I think I see something around the boy's eyes and the womans arm (my left) looks a bit fuzzy.. is that it? You have to look really good. Even if i'm right i don't think anybody will see anything different than a lovely portrait!
I really like the one from Maya; if the towel is that destracting just crop and make it square. The light is lovely indeed!
Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam
Here's another stab at the portrait. Cleaned up the compositing and retouched a bit the wrinkles, teeth, etc.
It still seems to be plopped on the background a bit. I will say that when I view it in PS with the proper profile it looks much more integrated, I think the oversaturation on the web is part of the problem.
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TML Photography
I did use a fill flash on most of them. This one is actually one where I shot too quickly and my dying flash batteries couldn't keep up. It ended up being the best of the lot, thought IMO, and worth the extra PS'ing.
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TML Photography
you could probably burn that bright towel and back ground down with WxWx amazing burn technique.. The light on her face and hair is lovely...
p.s. the group looks great now.. I thought for a min that the man and boy were a sep. picture and you'd brought them toghether.. his coloring was a little differnet to hers...
looks great now..
What amazing technique is that?
I can think of several ways of doing it, but would love to hear about WxWx's amazing technique. Sounds intriguing.
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For some reason I can't find the thread with the info. Bear with me, I'll dig it up. It's just a nicer way of dodging and burning.
Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam
Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam
Cool. Looking forward to it.
In the meantime, I just cropped it. What do you think?
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