Daytona Frustrations
Daytona Bike Week is one of the world's great spectacles. It ought to be on everyone's bucket list. I haven't missed one in years. One of the first things I do when arriving there is to search out a couple of great T-shirts ( no small task as there must be at least 10 billion of them on display ) to get me in the swing of things. But, darn, this is the only kind of stuff I could find. Frustrating for sure.

Struggling on through the first day there, I decide to get a creative shot of some beer cans in a tray of ice. Wouldn't you know it, this creature keeps jumping in my way....never did get the shot I wanted. At the end of the day, I fled back to Jacksonville. I'm not going to hang around a place where nothing is going my way.

Struggling on through the first day there, I decide to get a creative shot of some beer cans in a tray of ice. Wouldn't you know it, this creature keeps jumping in my way....never did get the shot I wanted. At the end of the day, I fled back to Jacksonville. I'm not going to hang around a place where nothing is going my way.

I always wanted to lie naked on a bearskin rug in front of a fireplace. Cracker Barrel didn't take kindly to it.
I hear you, Taz. Actually, I tried that. The left cheek cooperated, the right cheek gave me fits. The shadow was the culprit. The gal would sit on a little stool that left its marks. Somehow, I didn't notice those " leading lines " as she continually jumped around in front of me.
It was too cold for bikini babes...
That's a great butt shot
BTW... what did the guys in Orlando say about your new drawers?...
It's not for me to judge, although I do wonder what contortions you must go through in your car for the driver behind you to be able to read your new shorts
Oh wait!
I got a visual...... Have to go wash my eyes out
A modern Venus de Milo, no less...
Hey Rags,
Yea, the weather down there this year wasn't too conducive to shooting bikini babes....only had a couple of days when they were out in force. But then a couple of days of that stuff is about all a guy can take.
I'm not sure about Orlando, but back home in Jacksonville they awarded me with the keys to the city. :ivar
You don't give me enough credit. pard. I hire a driver so that I can keep my fanny hanging out of the passenger window. If the Pied Piper had had my bag of tricks, he could have ruled the world. that a hint of jealousy I detect in you? These things do come in different colors to reflect your own personality.
See you, brother,
Well, Eric, it's the best I can do and not risk getting arrested. I'd love to show some of the mud wrestling shots and the topless competitions, but, with all the NASA snooping going on, I better play it safe. :hide
Take care, buddy,
What no women's cold slaw wrestling shots @ Sopotnicks? really need to know what you are doing when you mess around in that area!:giggle
Nice try at the angle and subject.
An obvious "wardrobe malfunction"...
Good to hear from you, Sam.
Man, I've got to go see my optometrist. I didn't even see the underwear.
Post some up in the "Go Figure" forum! That's what it is there for!
“The single most important component of a camera is the twelve inches behind it!” - Ansel Adams