No easy desktop importer for Mac, really?

akcorcoranakcorcoran Registered Users Posts: 29 Big grins
edited May 7, 2014 in SmugMug Support
I looked through the list of third-party apps and don't see one that would allow for just dragging albums on my Mac and uploading to smugmug (even without any capability to change settings?) Am I missing something? I tried the one listed - Komodo Drop - but it crashed before opening repeatedly. A no go.

I can't rename the gallery, change settings, etc. online, but just looking for a tool that allows me to drop, say 5 folders - then they upload to Smugmug as galleries with the name of the folder (in my case, it's a date) and the contents. That's it -

Hoping I've just missed the boat? I don't want to import them to iPhoto or another program to THEN export them to Smugmug, and after 2 hours (and about 8 more years with hundreds of folders, tots), the process of going online, creating and naming a folder, choosing the images, uploading, is going to take … for…ev… er.

Thanks for any help!


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