Milky Way Over Santa Barbara

Unexpected accident after 20 minutes of shooting ended this session right when we were getting started. Did manage to get this shot though. Wish we had more time. Damn you wind!!!

"I'm not yelling. I'm Cuban. That's how we talk."
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Moderator of the People and Go Figure forums
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We had big plans for this morning. Got up at 1AM and met up with my friend David at 2AM. We headed up to the mountains in Santa Barbara. Plan was too hike around and shoot the stars until dawn, then we would shift to shooting the sunrise over the fog that typically blankets the coast below. We parked, hiked in just a bit to this first vantage point. This was literally the 4th shot I took while trying to get my composition the way I wanted - it's dark so kind of hard to see what you're shooting - when David's D600 with brand new 14-24mm gets blown over by a huge gust of wind. Lens lands right on a rock. The front element gets damage and the lens ripped the mount right off the body. Really sucked donkey balls.
David wanted me to keep shooting but I was too bumbed out and it just wasn't right to make him wait around for me. We packed up and headed for breakfast.
He had a great attitude about it. He said it's just equipment that could be repaired and not something serious like one of us getting hurt so no use getting all pissed. I guess he's right.
Moderator of the People and Go Figure forums
My Smug Site
Yes, he is. Far, far better to be able to walk away from it (intact) than not - and after the new vocab's died down and a bit of time's passed, there's another dinner party / pub story to tell
I can still see my 'event' in slo mo replay ...
Nice shot, btw.
They are good at repairing it.....may hit you up for 1K or so will be back in the game in no time!
Yup. Lot worse if when someone gets hurt. Still, I would've let off quite a few F-bombs had it been my stuff.
HAHA... I was actually telling my buddy that we need to market a "tripod-leash" just to prevent this very thing. Seems obvious but this is how millions are made.
And that sucks to hear about your gear being stolen. I never leave my backpack with my bodies and lenses in the car, no matter where we stop. Always comes with me.
Moderator of the People and Go Figure forums
My Smug Site
As for a tripod leash..................Most tripods have a way to attach a bungee cord etc from the bottom center shat to an object like your backpack. I have used this in some pretty strong winds without fail.
Of course I would have lent Dave my backup camera.
Hate to break it to you man, but "tripod-leash" already exists....just not enough Daves....
Sorry...don't mean to be rude....
I found out about them when I was helping a lady and tried to move her tripod.....she came along with it.
Kinda like a camera strap.
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Thanks Joel. Yeah, we had just started to get the light on the trees close to correct when Dave's tripod fell over. Actually, that's kind of why it happened. He was off to the side, painting the trees with light so he couldn't do anything when the wind blew his tripod over. I was also too far away to do anything. :cry
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