OOMCZ motion
I am in Katy (Houston) visiting grandchildren. We are going to a Karate class or two for the youngest one, and to a pop concert for the middle one and I hope that those places will be condusive to getting motion shots.
We left from the hotel this morning about 4:15 for a 6:15 a.m. flight. I thought I might get some motion shots because it was dark, but this is the only real one that I can identify (I have to wait until June to get the glasses prescription of my right eye updated after cataract surgery and right now everything at a distance is blurred with that eye)
We left from the hotel this morning about 4:15 for a 6:15 a.m. flight. I thought I might get some motion shots because it was dark, but this is the only real one that I can identify (I have to wait until June to get the glasses prescription of my right eye updated after cataract surgery and right now everything at a distance is blurred with that eye)
Just remember to switch your camera to Tv so you can control the shutter speed! Just play around with different shutter speeds till you get something you like
Light is everything in life and photography.
Whilst I appreciate this isn't new (what is?), imo if done well, they're still worth doing.
Just a thought as communal areas, such as you're probably experiencing whilst travelling - might offer some potential - and you have a ready made 'stander stiller' at your beck and call, maybe?
So these are some possibilities.
Ceiling fan
In the taekwando studio we were sitting behind a big glass window (with a wall about hip high) facing out where the outside studio wall is all windows. It made everything very back lighted. This one shows the kids waiting to do the punching bags and then running back to the back of the line.
This one I tried to follow the motion - not terribly successfully (this is my granddaughter)
Unfortunately, this sparring couple was partly behind the side wall
One of the instructors with another student
Weapons practice (granddaughter on the left of the couple in the back)
Sparing - my granddaughter is in black on the left
At the concert, there wasn't that much movement in my granddaughter's solo and the lighting was such that everything with a spotlight was blown out. They did have a couple of dancers
including this woman
who was neither a middle school student, nor a parent
how about this one
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