Folders, Galleries, and Pages content block sort
Looks like "sort by organizer position" on folders, galleries, and pages content blocks doesn't work correctly. Sort options in the organizer are limited to begin with, requiring folders to be first, then galleries, then pages. So there's no way to use the organizer to put a page before a folder. But the sort order of the content block seems to be unrelated to organizer position.
Can anyone confirm that "folders, galleries, and pages" content blocks cannot be properly sorted by organizer position?
Can anyone confirm that "folders, galleries, and pages" content blocks cannot be properly sorted by organizer position?
That's correct last I checked. Reported as soon as the 'new smugmug' went live. Shame they can't fix these small things that annoy people.
set to sort by organizer.
For any content block if you are using organizer to sort, the content block has to be set to allow the
organizer sort otherwise the block settings will override organizer.
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Yup, the issue is that in the organizer, it's not possible to put a page in front of a gallery or a gallery in front of a folder. I just want to have folders, galleries, and pages mixed together and sorted as I want, but it doesn't seem to be possible.
to reselect when adding new or reordering.
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override the organizer.
Click wrench on box see display tab. > Sort by > organizer position
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Even with the organizer and content box settings being the same, the odd bug still occurs.
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I first contacted Jill V. in April 2011 & I even wrote a poem.
For example, organizer is set to manual and the content block set to organizer position:
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want, they can't be further sorted but only repicked. Items can be picked in any order you want.
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I created a Folders block on my page with "Galleries I Choose" and added three folders, "Alabama, Florida, Mississippi" and then Sort By "Organizer Position"
I then did the same thing in a second block and selected the remainder of my folders but decided it looked weird to have the two blocks.
So I changed the second block to "Current Location" leaving the Sort By as "Organizer Position" and all the folders appeared in order as I sorted them manually in organizer.
The steps seem to be:
Also would be good for someone else to try this to see if it is some kind of temporary fluke or an accidental work around.