When you can't publish because "you have unsaved data on the page"

Sometimes, not sure why, the option to save edits in a block disappears. Attempting to publish yields, "you have unsaved data on the page". The block remains open, but the save or cancel options are gone.
Until now I thought my only option was to kill the window and start over with the edits in the block.
Yesterday I discovered that there's a thin grey border at the bottom of the block when it's in this limbo state. Doesn't look like anything except a border. But I clicked it accidentally, and the block disappeared. This gave me back the option to publish.
Reopening the block after clicking the bottom line does reopen the block but it continues to be without cancel or save options. Clicking the grey line continues to work to leave the block. Then I kill the window, re-open, and the block is back to normal. I've found that some of my edits are still there, and some have to be re-entered.
This happens with text blocks and I think HTML blocks but not sure. I haven't paid enough attention. I'm also not sure what gets one into this mess in the first place, except that I'm clicking and editing very fast and probably trigger some kind of bug with that.
Until now I thought my only option was to kill the window and start over with the edits in the block.
Yesterday I discovered that there's a thin grey border at the bottom of the block when it's in this limbo state. Doesn't look like anything except a border. But I clicked it accidentally, and the block disappeared. This gave me back the option to publish.
Reopening the block after clicking the bottom line does reopen the block but it continues to be without cancel or save options. Clicking the grey line continues to work to leave the block. Then I kill the window, re-open, and the block is back to normal. I've found that some of my edits are still there, and some have to be re-entered.
This happens with text blocks and I think HTML blocks but not sure. I haven't paid enough attention. I'm also not sure what gets one into this mess in the first place, except that I'm clicking and editing very fast and probably trigger some kind of bug with that.
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