Removal of the 'Thumbs-Up/Down' feature

SeattleVetSeattleVet Registered Users Posts: 5 Beginner grinner
edited May 21, 2014 in SmugMug Support
This was one of the things that made SmugMug so useful for me, and without it I must seriously consider leaving (after many years) and finding another photo hosting service. Taking away this feature has severely restricted the usefulness of SmugMug for us.

I am the head photographer for the Pacific Northwest Region for a large national organization with 34 different regions. Each region selects one image in each of the 18 categories from the previous year, to be forwarded for national selection at a meeting this fall for an annual award in each of the categories.

I just spent 17 hours or so arranging 18 galleries with all of this region's images from 2013, and found that the 'Like' feature is no longer usable. In previous years I was able to have our local regional group of 45 or so people go in to a password-restricted set of galleries, and by using the Thumbs-up and Thumbs-down help to pre-select images for nomination and voting for our region's selections. Without this winnowing we must go through up to 100 images in each of the 18 categories, which takes a HUGE amount of time during our annual business meeting next month. By doing the online pre-selection we could narrow the categories down to the top 5 to 7 images in each section, and be able to go through the annual awards selection at our annual business meeting in a short time. This year I will have to have the people send me an email with their selections after viewing the galleries, then narrow the categories manually.

Removing the rating feature is making this preselection and winnowing process almost as bad as it had been in the past, when we had to manually move slides among the trays to make our way through the selection process.

These images are not in any publicly-accessible gallery, and we have made excellent use of this feature for the past few years.

SmugMug has taken a feature that was almost perfectly suited and implemented for our use and made it completely unusable. When I announced the 'new' procedure this afternoon at our monthly meeting everyone hated having to go back to what we thought we had avoided by going to a fully digital, online process. It creates a lot of extra work for all those involved in the pre-selection process, and also for me as I now have to wade through a big batch of emails rather than just seeing what the 5 to 7 most-liked images were by checking the gallery stats.

We are now actively searching for a service that has similar functionality, as the removal of the feature has made SmugMug mostly unusable for what we had been doing the the past several years.


  • thenickdudethenickdude Registered Users Posts: 1,302 Major grins
    edited May 18, 2014
    SmugMug Business accounts have a feature where customers can star their favourite images, which might suit your use-case.
  • SeattleVetSeattleVet Registered Users Posts: 5 Beginner grinner
    edited May 18, 2014
    But we're not a business; we are a part of a non-profit and everything is being done on a completely volunteer basis. We don't have an extra $300 (x34 regional centers) just to make this annual selection usable again.
  • rainforest1155rainforest1155 Registered Users Posts: 4,566 Major grins
    edited May 19, 2014
    The thumbs up / down feature on Legacy SmugMug was never intended to be used for photo selection and to the best of my knowledge, it couldn't even be used that way. It was part of the SmugMug photorank. The photorank is still used to determine popular photos on individual SmugMug sites and the whole of SmugMug.

    I still have a Legacy SmugMug site and testing the thumbs up / down feature on a password protected and unlisted gallery, while the thumbs do show, clicking on the thumbs up doesn't seem to have any effect on the popular photos on the account. I also waited give indexing some time to no avail, even for me as the logged in account owner.

    Apart from the favorite feature from the Business account level, you could only consider the comment feature. As the logged in account owner, you would be able to review the comments within the last 24 hours or all comments on your site via the account settings > stats > comments > manage screen. For more details on comments, you can take a look here.
    SmugMug Support Hero
  • pilotdavepilotdave Registered Users Posts: 785 Major grins
    edited May 19, 2014
    Apart from the favorite feature from the Business account level, you could only consider the comment feature. As the logged in account owner, you would be able to review the comments within the last 24 hours or all comments on your site via the account settings > stats > comments > manage screen. For more details on comments, you can take a look here.

    Yup, just ask that "large national organization with 34 different regions" to quit blocking facebook on their computers so that the "local regional group of 45 or so people" can each sign up for facebook accounts so they can leave comments on his site. mwink.gif

  • SeattleVetSeattleVet Registered Users Posts: 5 Beginner grinner
    edited May 19, 2014
    The thumbs up / down feature on Legacy SmugMug was never intended to be used for photo selection and to the best of my knowledge, it couldn't even be used that way. It was part of the SmugMug photorank. The photorank is still used to determine popular photos on individual SmugMug sites and the whole of SmugMug.

    I still have a Legacy SmugMug site and testing the thumbs up / down feature on a password protected and unlisted gallery, while the thumbs do show, clicking on the thumbs up doesn't seem to have any effect on the popular photos on the account. I also waited give indexing some time to no avail, even for me as the logged in account owner.

    Apart from the favorite feature from the Business account level, you could only consider the comment feature. As the logged in account owner, you would be able to review the comments within the last 24 hours or all comments on your site via the account settings > stats > comments > manage screen. For more details on comments, you can take a look here.

    Until I switched to the 'new' SmugMug I was able to get a set of stats from the images in each gallery, and I could quickly and easily see a relative ranking within the gallery based on the Thumbs Up/Down clicks. That was how we were able to narrow down a 90+ image gallery to a 5-image selection for the past couple of years - by using the 'Like' counts to narrow down the potential pool of images to be viewed and voted on at the business meeting.

    Regardless of whether it was the way that Photorank was 'supposed' to work, it did work that way and it did provide us with the functionality that we needed, used, and have now had removed.

    Neither of the solutions presented (pay for a business account or use the comments feature) is feasible in our situation. For this year's selections we'll have to use the 'select a few images to vote on and email the names to me' method; by this time next year we will probably wind up having these hosted on another service that does provide the functionality that we used to have here at SmugMug.
  • Darter02Darter02 Registered Users Posts: 947 Major grins
    edited May 19, 2014
    Can you create an event gallery? While they look like #^$* you can send your users the event link. They can then use the "heart" feature to pick the ones they like best. I'm not sure what level you need to have in order to create an event gallery. I no longer use them myself...

    Here's a help page about them.
  • AlamethAlameth Registered Users Posts: 94 Big grins
    edited May 19, 2014
    Darter02 wrote: »
    Can you create an event gallery?

    I believe that feature requires a Business account.
  • rainforest1155rainforest1155 Registered Users Posts: 4,566 Major grins
    edited May 20, 2014
    SeattleVet wrote: »
    Until I switched to the 'new' SmugMug I was able to get a set of stats from the images in each gallery, and I could quickly and easily see a relative ranking within the gallery based on the Thumbs Up/Down clicks. That was how we were able to narrow down a 90+ image gallery to a 5-image selection for the past couple of years - by using the 'Like' counts to narrow down the potential pool of images to be viewed and voted on at the business meeting.

    In all my years of using Legacy SmugMug, I've never encountered this feature you speak of. Can you provide me details on how / where I can access that so I can take a look at it on my Legacy account? What steps do I have to take?
    SmugMug Support Hero
  • denisegoldbergdenisegoldberg Administrators Posts: 14,422 moderator
    edited May 20, 2014
    Apart from the favorite feature from the Business account level, you could only consider the comment feature. As the logged in account owner, you would be able to review the comments within the last 24 hours or all comments on your site via the account settings > stats > comments > manage screen.
    This might have been a viable suggestion if it wasn't required that users be logged in to smug, facebook or google to leave a comment. I was glad to see google logins added but that's not good enough. Most of my viewers do not have smugmug accounts. I won't log in to Facebook so I won't force my users to do so either. Forcing an unnecessary login is not a good way to solicit comments.

    I know, I know, smug has said that some people received objectionable comments. That's what comment moderation is for - so they can be deleted and not shown.

    Bring back anonymous commenting!
    In all my years of using Legacy SmugMug, I've never encountered this feature you speak of. Can you provide me details on how / where I can access that so I can take a look at it on my Legacy account? What steps do I have to take?
    I know that in the past when someone had thumbed up photos in a recently published gallery that I could see those photos on the /popular page. It's harder to see that now but I suspect it is because of the number of photos seen on that page and because there is no way to see /popular by gallery.

    --- Denise
  • rainforest1155rainforest1155 Registered Users Posts: 4,566 Major grins
    edited May 20, 2014
    I know that in the past when someone had thumbed up photos in a recently published gallery that I could see those photos on the /popular page. It's harder to see that now but I suspect it is because of the number of photos seen on that page and because there is no way to see /popular by gallery.
    The OP mentioned password protected / not publicly accessible galleries for which what you describe didn't apply to the best of my knowledge. I even tried it on my Legacy site now using an unlisted + password protected gallery with no effect.
    SmugMug Support Hero
  • AllenAllen Registered Users Posts: 10,016 Major grins
    edited May 20, 2014
    Entering a password to view a gallery should open comments. Even Facebook strongly
    recommend not use FB log in at any site but theirs.
    Al - Just a volunteer here having fun
    My Website index | My Blog
  • denisegoldbergdenisegoldberg Administrators Posts: 14,422 moderator
    edited May 20, 2014
    The OP mentioned password protected / not publicly accessible galleries for which what you describe didn't apply to the best of my knowledge. I even tried it on my Legacy site now using an unlisted + password protected gallery with no effect.
    Ah, I missed that detail.

    Still, if comments were allowed with no login to a foreign site (or to smug) that would solve his problem.
    And given that his viewers are essentially logged on to a password-protected gallery the current smugmug position on comments is unacceptable - why on earth should the viewers need to log in twice?

    --- Denise
  • SeattleVetSeattleVet Registered Users Posts: 5 Beginner grinner
    edited May 21, 2014
    In all my years of using Legacy SmugMug, I've never encountered this feature you speak of. Can you provide me details on how / where I can access that so I can take a look at it on my Legacy account? What steps do I have to take?

    When the image was open in the gallery, the user could hover over it and get the floating pane with the Thumbs-Up. When I would go in later, I believe that there was a section somewhere in the gallery's statistics page that gave the counts. It was while looking for this stats section this time that I discovered that it was no longer available anywhere.

    Sorry if I'm being a little vague; it was something that got used once a year for a specific purpose.
  • jcdilljcdill Registered Users Posts: 225 Major grins
    edited May 21, 2014
    Since you are a non-profit, it might be possible for Smugmug to give you a no-cost upgrade to a higher account class which would enable the "event" setting and let people "heart" the photos they like? I know that smugmug has helped other non-profits in the past but I don't' know what their current program is. Asking can't hurt, might help. Good luck!
    JC Dill - Equine Photographer, San Francisco & San Jose
    "Chance favors the prepared mind." ~ Ansel Adams
    "Light thinks it travels faster than anything but it is wrong. No matter how fast light travels, it finds the darkness has always got there first, and is waiting for it." ~ Terry Pratchett
  • pilotdavepilotdave Registered Users Posts: 785 Major grins
    edited May 21, 2014
    SeattleVet wrote: »
    When the image was open in the gallery, the user could hover over it and get the floating pane with the Thumbs-Up. When I would go in later, I believe that there was a section somewhere in the gallery's statistics page that gave the counts. It was while looking for this stats section this time that I discovered that it was no longer available anywhere.

    Sorry if I'm being a little vague; it was something that got used once a year for a specific purpose.

    Unfortunately that has never existed on smugmug. It's been a requested feature since I joined in 2006. The only way to use thumbs up ratings was using the /popular gallery. It doesn't keep any stats, but generally gives you an idea of what images have been rated.

    I'm still using legacy, but doesn't new smug still have thumbs up? They removed the thumbs down button to avoid abuse, and they changed the algorithm that drives popularity. But you may still be able to use smugmug likes and a smart gallery that pulls in popular photos from the galleries of your choice.

  • SeattleVetSeattleVet Registered Users Posts: 5 Beginner grinner
    edited May 21, 2014
    pilotdave wrote: »
    Unfortunately that has never existed on smugmug. It's been a requested feature since I joined in 2006. The only way to use thumbs up ratings was using the /popular gallery. It doesn't keep any stats, but generally gives you an idea of what images have been rated.

    I'm still using legacy, but doesn't new smug still have thumbs up? They removed the thumbs down button to avoid abuse, and they changed the algorithm that drives popularity. But you may still be able to use smugmug likes and a smart gallery that pulls in popular photos from the galleries of your choice.


    For the past 2 years I was definitely able to see the 'Thumbs-up' counts for all of the images within a specific gallery. I seem to recall that it was buried somewhere in the gallery statistics pages, but it definitely was there. I *know* it was there, as it was what I used to narrow down a few of the larger galleries into a manageable number of images to go through the final selection process. That's why I was so surprised that this feature had been removed (whether or not it was actually supposed to be a 'feature').

    The new Smug still has 'Thumbs-up', but it does no good in this situation as it isn't gallery-specific. It will give me an overall view of the 'most popular' images for the entire site, but that includes all of the images in all of the galleries, including the ones that were the most-viewed, and not necessarily voted on.

    Too late to do anything for this year; I have to get the galleries narrowed down in the next week or two, and an email has gone out with the instructions on selection/noting/emailing back to me.

    There really should be an easy way to do this again!
  • zacHer0zacHer0 Registered Users Posts: 655 Major grins
    edited May 21, 2014
    Sorry to say but we have never ever shown the thumbs-up votes anywhere on the site. To prevent gaming of image popularity that data has and always was hidden. Perhaps you are mistaken or confused, but I can promise that we have never shown the thumbs up/down votes or data.
    Zac Williams
    Support Hero
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