Search within current folder not working properly
My site isn't unveiled yet so I can't share an example, but I added a search box content block to every folder with the scope set to current location. Search results are appearing from other folders as well. The initial search results are from the correct folder but then as I scroll down, results from other folders are included. I haven't had this happen on gallery-specific searches, only folders.
Can someone else confirm this bug?
Can someone else confirm this bug?
If you'll email us at the help desk, we can take a look at your settings in your migrated account, and see what might be going on.
Lindy ~ Support Hero
Emailed and got a quick response. It was completely incorrect information, but hey, it was quick. "The Search Content Block will always populate results from your entire site" was the gist of it.
Don't worry, I informed the support hero about the scope setting. It's still new... can't expect everyone to know about it yet.
The search results appear correct at first. Upon scrolling down, when the second batch of thumbnails load, it brings in results from other folders. Scrolling back to the top reveals that the number of images found has increased to a new total, including those from other folders.