Pond Plants

Out for a 2 mile walk - first in a long time. Below is image of a pond with vegetation above and under water.
Something about this image that just captures me.
Something about this image that just captures me.

Agree on both, note that plants are immediately above and below water.
If I used a wider aperture the water would be obvious, but since it was only f5.6 and the distance of the in focus leafs are so close to the water it blurred the water. Plus it was breezy and the shutter speed at 1/250s probably did not capture it all just the leafs in focus.
Regarding busy, I normally like to reduce images to a few elements, but there are times when many elements can balance each other. The latter is more rare. Not sure this is one of those, but the more the look the more I like.
Thanks much for comments.
"You don't take a photograph, you make it." ~Ansel Adams