New Keyword Edit

I go to organizer for gallery
select all (or more then one)
wrench > click keywords
unselect all
select single photo
click keyword
right edit window is blank
Select one photo in organize works ok
but selecting more then one then "unselect all" in edit this happens trying to select one
Edit: latest Firefox
select all (or more then one)
wrench > click keywords
unselect all
select single photo
click keyword
right edit window is blank
Select one photo in organize works ok
but selecting more then one then "unselect all" in edit this happens trying to select one
Edit: latest Firefox
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SmugMug Hero & CSS Monkey
replace xxxx and yyyy with one zzzz
I removed xxxx but now can not get the right pane to remove yyyy
Not only that but it removed every KW on each photo with the xxxx
Original KW's on each photo
Red_tailed Hawk; buteos; Red_tailed Hawk 'Dark morph';
removed in tool
Red_tailed Hawk 'Dark morph'
now all photos KW's blank (should of left Red_tailed Hawk; buteos; untouched)
(major bug)
This what the final should be. (There was no opportunity to add in replacement)
Red_tailed Hawk; buteos; Red_tailed Hawk ''Dark morph'';
In the old tool I could of just replaced
'Dark morph' with ''Dark morph''
In the new tool it's all final, no preview to check what happened
Looks like I should have added the replacement KW first, but not sure if then removing the old ones would of blanked all the KW's.
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Check post #80 on this thread for a coming new program:
And here's an extension which works now, and will, until the new program is available, let you use the much better Legacy system:
The Chrome add-on above was first only for a great backup program (good enough reason to use it) and the bulk legacy access was just added.
Thread about the add-on generally:
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Right now his add-on takes you to the old Legacy system.
Time for Chrome!
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I accessed it this morning but right now it's not an option in his dropdown list. Will post that to him.