Images out of order when sorted by "Date Taken"

Has anyone else noticed that sorting images by "Date Taken" doesn't always work?
Sometimes I like to include a short burst (2 or 3 images) taken of a Soccer collision. I find the SmugMug image sorting can't always get these in the correct order. My speculation is that because the image time stamps are within a fraction of a second of each other, the sort algorithm doesn't have much to go on.
I don't want to use manual sort, because I want the general flow of the gallery to be start of game to finish (and might upload more images later, intending that they be placed in the correct time frame).
A possible solution would be for SmugMug to choose the image order on the basis of File Name if "Date Taken" is ambiguous.
Should I put a feature request somewhere?
Sometimes I like to include a short burst (2 or 3 images) taken of a Soccer collision. I find the SmugMug image sorting can't always get these in the correct order. My speculation is that because the image time stamps are within a fraction of a second of each other, the sort algorithm doesn't have much to go on.
I don't want to use manual sort, because I want the general flow of the gallery to be start of game to finish (and might upload more images later, intending that they be placed in the correct time frame).
A possible solution would be for SmugMug to choose the image order on the basis of File Name if "Date Taken" is ambiguous.
Should I put a feature request somewhere?
Chooka chooka hoo la ley
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Chooka chooka hoo la ley
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Any sort option in gallery settings will override organizer.
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Thanks for the thought, but sort by file name is not a solution. Sort by file name will be correct for (most) any handful of images taken close together, but will incorrectly place many images from late in the game at the beginning of the gallery if the image count "rolled over" during that game.
Chooka chooka hoo la ley
Looka looka koo la ley
I highly recommend using some kind of photo management tool like lightroom to rename your files when you import. If you ever need to find an old file, it's a lot easier if they all have unique filenames.
SmugMug Support Hero
hmmm. Interesting. What naming scheme do you use? LR will index them somehow?
Chooka chooka hoo la ley
Looka looka koo la ley
I use Bridge to rename my files: 'location-MMDDYY-sequentialnumber.jpg'. Example: 'yosemite-052514-01.jpg'.
Images in the Backcountry
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Will do. Thank you.
Chooka chooka hoo la ley
Looka looka koo la ley
Similarily, I use LR to rename my images, using the format yyyymmdd-hhmm-originalfilename. As with Mikes format, this allows me to sort all images based on filename.
Received a nice reply informing me that my speculation is correct: bursts of images can't be sorted by time.
I would like to see the sorting algorithm look to file name when the date info can't distinquish images - but I suppose that might increase processing overhead to fix an unusual problem.
The real problem being that filenames are not _always_ a good proxy for date/time taken, especially when a gallery spans multiple days/events (so the possibility of filename counter "rolling over" is much higher).
Chooka chooka hoo la ley
Looka looka koo la ley
I may give that a shot, thanks.
Chooka chooka hoo la ley
Looka looka koo la ley
Thanks. That would fix my problem.
Chooka chooka hoo la ley
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