OOYCZ #6 Critiques and Voting- Motion

JAGJAG Super Moderators Posts: 9,088 moderator
edited June 3, 2014 in The Dgrin Challenges
Any registered Dgrin member can critique then pic your top 3 images. You must give a short critique of all images (except your own if you entered one), before you can vote. Please only choose your top 3 picks.

Please read the OOYCZ Challenge Guide if you have not done so already. There you will find a link to how to critique if you have not done it before.

This poll will close 3 days from now. The results will be displayed once I make sure that all voters have critiqued.

Click on the images to view images in larger size.

Pick your top 3 after critiquing in reply below. 27 votes

25% 7 votes
2. Izzy Garavito
25% 7 votes
3. jwear
22% 6 votes
4. grandmaR
3% 1 vote
5. ShootingStar
3% 1 vote
6. captured2h
3% 1 vote
7. lkbart
3% 1 vote
8. RacinRandy
7% 2 votes
9. sapphire73
3% 1 vote


  • JAGJAG Super Moderators Posts: 9,088 moderator
    edited May 29, 2014
    1. This is really a clever and cute image! Kudos! My only suggestion would be that the flare that is one the baby's abdomen and cheek, could have been removed post processing. Although it is great how you kept the baby and arms in focus. I am sure this was not an easy shot!

    2. A very lovely image indeed. I think the motion of the water is done very nicely. I am looking at this image on my laptop (which is not a very monitor) and the whites seem just a tad blown out on the foreground foam. Not sure how others are seeing it. That said, over all, this is a lovely image.

    3. Wow, the fact that you can capture a hummer this sharply is amazing. I wish that in the future, you would leave your exif info in your images so I can see your settings. I am not going to make an issue of it for these challenges (unless in the future, prizes come into play). But it would just be nice so we can see how an expert bird photographer does such amazing shots! I like the color and lighting of this image. As well as the capture of the blur of wings, although I think the movement part of this image is overpowered by all the rest of the image. But still, this is a beautiful image!

    4. I like the motion you caught in your dancer. I also like that its a monotone type of image. Although there is a lot of noise in your image, I know this was a very Out Of Your Comfort Zone image and it helped you learn a new way of shooting. Nice work!

    5. I am sure you were having a fun time listening to the music and watching the dancing of the folk type dutch(?) polka. It probably was a difficult place to shoot, but you manage to get off a fun image that shows movement! Its a little noisy in your darker areas, but over all, considering the difficulty of the subject matter and the available lighting situations on the wall, it would be difficult to have improved on this without the use of a flash. I know that a flash would have not been something that they would appreciate. I also would have liked to see a little more head room for the foreground dancer. This too might not have been something in your control.

    6. What a wonderful capture! I like the lighting and the fact you caught the mama feeding the baby. The wing shows movement, but again, the movement seems overpowered by the rest of what is going on in the image. Its a wonderful image, just not as strong in movement. Something that catches my eye (and that I like to see) is the dappling of the light on the roof of the bird house. Perfect lighting in my opinion! In the future, it would be nice if you left the exif in your image when adding them to the galleries, as I have mention in one other review above.

    7. Although I can see that this person is in motion, being that they are up off the ground and most likely at a high velocity of heading toward the ground. It is more of a freeze frame of action. I wonder if you had slowed your speed a little, would your result have showed more of a motion of the movement?

    8. This fits the bill for motion with the background being blurred. Maybe a different crop would make this a bit more exciting. Such as a 2x1 ratio with a little more background showing at the rear of the car and a lot more in front of the car? Its kind of hard to shoot something like that unless you had it in mind when you went to shoot. Regardless, I do see the fast pace motion of the car, not only in the background but the hubcaps of the spinning wheels. Kudos!

    9. Interesting composition of movement of a toddler on the go! I find it interesting that you chose black and white, which I like for this image. I wonder if you could have gotten more shadowing or "ghosting" between the getting up image and the full run image? I do commend you for trying a difficult subject and post process to show motion! She is a cutie pie!
  • grandmaRgrandmaR Registered Users Posts: 2,356 Major grins
    edited May 29, 2014
    So many great shots it will be a hard job to choose.

    1 - The expression on the face of this baby is priceless. You must have had four hands or some kind of helmet cam. I am assuming that the baby is being swung around because that is the point of this challenge, as otherwise I would just think that the background was out of focus.

    2- A beautiful picture with the bridge silhouetted and sharp and the water in the front swishing on the shore. I do wish the photo was larger because it is hard for me to see the detail of the motion, but that may be just my eyes.

    3 - what a great photo of a hummingbird. You can really see the wings even though they are moving. The only problem I have is that the red of the flower overpowers the hummer. I would want to crop the top down a little bit so that my eye was not immediately drawn to the top.

    5 - This looks like an old fashioned post card illustrating folk costumes of Bavaria. In part that is because of the yellow cast to the lighting (even with my good eye). I am guessing that you were seated because the photo has some distortion and the emphasis is on the feet of the dancers.

    6 - A really great photo (which would have worked for the last challenge too I think) I keep coming back to the little baby bird's beak and trying to see what the parent is feeding him. As a photo, it is perfect as it is, but from a perspective of illustrating movement, I might have cropped in on the two birds with less of the birdhouse.

    7. I have seen photos of one of my great nieces like this leaping into the air. It seems to be something that the teens do now. Everything about the photo is in focus except for her hand and her hair. It is a beautiful capture

    8. Ah - the quintessential speeding car photo, done perfectly so that the car is in focus and the background is not. I've never been able to get coordinated enough to actually follow action with the camera, so it is nice to see someone who can. I wish I could see more of the background on the right.

    9. I never thought of this possibility for illustrating motion and you inspired me to try some of my own (which I didn't enter because I was using photos which weren't taken with that in mind). I think I would like the three poses to overlap a bit more
    “"..an adventure is an inconvenience rightly considered." G.K. Chesterton”
  • lkbartlkbart Registered Users Posts: 1,912 Major grins
    edited May 30, 2014
    1. Very cute shot, adorable. Good exposure, especially with back lighting. I would like to see the eyes more in focus - adorable eyes that draw me in - the lower part of the face is in great focus. Great idea.

    2. Beautiful landscape, wonderful detail. The exposure seems spot-on - the foam may be a touch blown, but since it's white, it doesn't distract me at all, and I love that you can see the lights on the bridge - excellent detail. The motion of the water is just right, where you can see the movement and waves but no droplets. Well done.

    3. Amazing capture! The colors are vibrant, the focus is great, exposure great, composition good & the slight wing movement just enough to show. Great image.

    4. Nice abstract. I like the color toning & the look of the crossed arms that shows through. This image is all about the movement.

    5. Looks like a fun time! And a very tough shooting situation. I like the natural golden tone of the lighting & the full flare of the skirt. The room & dancers appear cramped, and the image really shows the tight quarters. Good showing of movement.

    6. Another amazing capture! You birders have the best focus. Composition is nice, getting the full birdhouse & the drape of the leaves. Nice wing movement. I just keep thinking how far is that parent bird's beak down that baby bird's throat - wow!

    8. Great panning image. Nice focus on the side of the car, exposure is good, to me the composition is fine - decent leading edge. I really like the darkness of the shot, at the same time almost wanting to see a touch more of the driver. Very sweet shot!

    9. Nice combo shot. The back of the middle toddler seems hot to me & it would be interesting to see how it would look with the two moving toddlers more ghosted, less opaque. Just looked back at your thread & my preference would be the last desaturated process. Cropping the azaleas off the top might draw the eyes more toward the moving toddler. Cute little girl & good way to show the action & movement.
    A photograph is an artistic expression of life, captured one moment at a time . . .
  • ShootingStarShootingStar Registered Users Posts: 145 Major grins
    edited May 30, 2014
    JAG, thanks for setting up the voting post. Would it be possible to have them bigger next time? It is really hard to see the details.

    1. This is such a fun picture! I am wondering how you set up the camera. I wish the eyes were more in focus
    2. A classic shot but very well executed.
    3. jwear, You do like your birds :-) I like the composition and colors. I wish he wings were a bit less blurry
    4. Intriguing. I like the tone and the embrace notion. I think a crop with less of the background above them would be nice
    6. Great capture of a moment. I would love to see it more cropped and with slightly warmer tone.
    7. I like the composition and the light. Those hairs really capture the movement. I would have loved to see it with a lower perspective.
    8. Nice panning. The cropping feels a bit too tight. Did you take it like that or do you have a larger version?
    9. Adorable. I applaud you for really working on that one and have a go at a combo. The idea is great. My eyes are a bit too attracted to the background though.
    Nature can be so different around the world but it is always amazing!

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  • JAGJAG Super Moderators Posts: 9,088 moderator
    edited May 30, 2014
    Click on the images to view them bigger.' I have made note of it now in the main instructions.'
  • CAPTURED2HCAPTURED2H Registered Users Posts: 142 Major grins
    edited May 30, 2014
    #1 Cute and the expression works very well maybe the back ground it a tad brght.

    #2 A SF classic nice focus control.

    #3 Well done ,the eye closed gives that sweet feeling with the action blur in the wings add to your capture. Action and peace.

    #4 This one for me is too much blur but the monotone a great idea.

    #5 A tad to busy and would like more blur ,you did very well with the exposer.Did her feet come back to normal?

    #7 A tad closer and a bit more blur. Light and color a great capture ,after blowing it up a bit I think the hair is enough blur.

    #8 Well I have to second Jags on this one.

    #9 You put some work into this one not that I am any good at this but a little blur on getting up and a bit more blur on running ,wow. I have never spliced shots?
  • jwearjwear Registered Users Posts: 8,014 Major grins
    edited May 30, 2014
    #1 Well done and a very good idea. The cloud blur on the right and left hand draws my eye.

    #2 A SF classic I would go a long with. Maybe more color in the sky and a wider crop but do not take my opinion to far, my composition is not ever very good.

    #4 I have a hard time seeing the image a bit too much blur. I will say your coloration was a good choice and you had very good blur.

    #5 Exposed how did you do it ? I think if you drew in on one or two it would have bin better.

    #6 Well if you blew it up more I think it would lose the feeling.The blur is a bit small you should have used the other shot ? I went by today the little ones are gone.

    #7 A bit closer would help this one. You really did a nice job shutter speed was right on and exposure very good.

    #8 A classic panning shot ,I also would like to see a bit more on both ends.It was making a right turn or about to ?

    #9 A 3 shots series ,good work. A bit more blur to me would make this one great.
    Jeff W


  • Izzy GaravitoIzzy Garavito Registered Users Posts: 228 Major grins
    edited May 31, 2014
    #1 - Great Shot! Looks like it was a lot of fun in the making. I like how you balanced the baby's lighting with the sun as a harsh backlight. I would have liked to see a different background--maybe a more solid, darker color (vs the white/blue/green) to give the image better balance.

    #3 - Wonderful detail. I have never photographed birds before but I know that they move rather quickly, so well done. I feel my eyes moving toward the orange of the flower vs focusing 100% on the bird. Maybe a tighter crop? Overall, well executed and balanced image.

    #4 - I'm not sure what's going on here. Is he/she dancing? Shaking her head? crying? I would have liked to see something in the background that gave it context, like an audience around, or a stage, or whatever.

    #5 - Very good composition and work with the available light. Ideally I would have loved to see her face in focus and her dress blurred, yet I understand the lighting conditions were not ideal and she was probably moving fast. From good to great? Have the lady more isolated (no guy behind her left shoulder, no girl behind the left-hand-guy's right shoulder, etc) to bring the focus more toward her. Overall nice image with good context.

    #6 - Great color balance! Everything draws me toward the action. My mind keeps wanting to see more detail, but the angle of the shot doesn't permit it. Very good composition draws my eye from top right toward the bottom right corner and follows to the bird being fed.

    #7 - Looks like a difficult shot to get right with the lighting conditions. I like how I am immediately drawn toward her (everything else is black, almost) and, looking more closely, I can make out a sort of stage or wooden floor or something. Looking at her made me smile and want to jump.

    #8 - One word: Sharp! I find myself looking toward the left wondering where the car is going. Looks like he is turning right, but I can't tell. I would have liked to see a longer crop toward the front of the car to give it a bit more context. Very sharp image in a difficult situation.

    #9 - Love it. At first I was wondering if they were three different children, but later realized the opposite! The soccer balls distract me a bit, but overall great image.
  • LoreaLorea Registered Users Posts: 2 Beginner grinner
    edited May 31, 2014
    2. The shutter speed, lens aperture and scene seem good to me. I like how the swell from the waves appears as fog. Lovely colors. Love the sunset!

    3. Love the colors, great exposure. My eyes are looking at the whole image and the flower steals my attention. I know that in order to photograph the hummingbird you had a great deal of patience. Great aperture. Great picture!

    4. I don’t know what’s going on but love the abstract!

    5. I think the picture has too much going on. I would focus on a specific hand motion or foot position while shooting. It has a very good context and tells a story.

    6. I would frame the bird avoiding distracting backgrounds. You captured an interesting and beautiful moment in birds life. Perfect wing movement.

    7. Love the composition, love the hair movement, maybe a little bit closer.

    8. I would have liked to see more of the background light. The car seems too tight in the frame. Very good image in a difficult situation.

    9. It’s a lovely shot. It took me a while to understand the picture! I would’ve like to see movement in each of the child’s positions.
  • sapphire73sapphire73 Registered Users, Super Moderators Posts: 2,013 moderator
    edited May 31, 2014
    1. This is a great way to capture motion, and I love the expression you captured here. Very nice! You did a good job of focusing on the baby.

    2. This is my ideal way to capture motion (as someone who loves to photograph landscapes). I was very happy to see this image show up in the gallery! Lovely image with the gorgeous sky, pleasing composition, and flow of water.

    3. Lovely capture of this hummingbird and flower! You always get great details and color. I find it challenging to get a sharp image and still have the blur of motion evident, but you managed this nicely.

    4. You did a great job of capturing motion in this abstract. It would be a stronger image, I think, if the background was a little more in focus. But this was definitely a challenging theme, and I am impressed with all the different approaches you tried.

    5. Nice capture illustrating the motions of this dance! You have managed to capture a lot of action in a tight space without cutting off anyone's head or limbs, and I am guessing that this was difficult to accomplish. If you had a wider lens or more room, it would have been ideal to have a bit more room above the dancer in the foreground. But I am impressed with what you managed to capture here.

    6. Fun capture of this parent feeding the baby! I like the sharp details of the birdhouse and its environment, contrasting with the motion blur of the parent feeding the baby. Lovely!

    7. When I saw this theme, I was hoping that you might enter a dancer! So glad you participated in this round. It conveys a joyful energy and illustrates motion nicely. This would be a stronger entry (given the challenge instructions) if there was a bit more motion blur, but I like it just the way it is.

    8. So glad to see another great panning image! I agree that it would be nice to see a tad more room in front of the car and behind it, but I am impressed with your sharp capture.
  • LoreaLorea Registered Users Posts: 2 Beginner grinner
    edited June 1, 2014
    Wohoo!!! I´m glad you liked the photo!
  • sapphire73sapphire73 Registered Users, Super Moderators Posts: 2,013 moderator
    edited June 1, 2014
    Congratulations to the three photographers whose entries received the majority of the votes! It was fun to have more participants this time. Thanks to all who joined in this challenge and contributed entries and thoughtful critiques.
  • grandmaRgrandmaR Registered Users Posts: 2,356 Major grins
    edited June 3, 2014
    I completely agree with all the criticisms of my photo (#4) as I myself did not like it very well. It was a photo of a single dancer, but it wasn't a very good photo although it illustrated motion. I also think that I probably didn't do a good job of cropping. This was the original photo


    I think I should have discarded all the previous efforts and started over. But it was a learning experience and I congratulate the people who had the top picks.
    “"..an adventure is an inconvenience rightly considered." G.K. Chesterton”
  • ShootingStarShootingStar Registered Users Posts: 145 Major grins
    edited June 3, 2014
    Congratulations to the winners!
    I am surprised that the 3rd one I voted for had only my vote… different tastes…
    Nature can be so different around the world but it is always amazing!

    Travel Blog English: http://www.zigzagonearth.com
    Travel Blog French: http://zigzagvoyages.fr
    Infoproduct Creation Blog : https://structurinfo.com
  • grandmaRgrandmaR Registered Users Posts: 2,356 Major grins
    edited June 3, 2014
    Congratulations to the winners!
    I am surprised that the 3rd one I voted for had only my vote… different tastes…

    I would be surprised if all the photos didn't show one vote, even if no one voted for them. But I also found that some of the ones that I voted for were not that popular.
    “"..an adventure is an inconvenience rightly considered." G.K. Chesterton”
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