"no photo for sale"
Hi everyone,
I got an issue when a client want to order a print.
if you go in my print order gallery: http://www.sebastienphotography.com/Order-Prints/
you select an image to buy, and then:
1- the option to buy only this photo is not available, (??)
2- so you choose the other option to buy from this gallery, but then you have " no photo for sale" showing up????
is there a bug somewhere?? I checked my set up for this gallery and everything looks fine.
What's going on? any tip?
thank you!
I got an issue when a client want to order a print.
if you go in my print order gallery: http://www.sebastienphotography.com/Order-Prints/
you select an image to buy, and then:
1- the option to buy only this photo is not available, (??)
2- so you choose the other option to buy from this gallery, but then you have " no photo for sale" showing up????
is there a bug somewhere?? I checked my set up for this gallery and everything looks fine.
What's going on? any tip?
thank you!
It looks like the gallery only contains collected photos and the galleries the photos are collected from have the shopping cart disabled. By design, the collect photos / smart gallery feature takes the security and shopping cart settings from the original gallery the photo is from. That prevents visitors from buying prints.
To allow print orders, you'd need to turn on the shopping cart in the original galleries the photos are collected from.
SmugMug Support Hero
thank you! let me try that right away!
Tanks a lot Sebastian.