black mambaRegistered UsersPosts: 8,327Major grins
edited June 12, 2014
I sure admire how you're willing to try just about anything, Eric. I doubt that there's any better way to grow as a photographer.
I've tried, but I just can't come to peace with this image. Way too busy to my eye. It's simply a case of personal preference. I do think that, when compared to other postings of similar interest, your effort here can hold its own.
I've noticed your proclivity for B&W work recently. I like your overall work in regards to the conversion techniques you employ. Keep it up.
I always wanted to lie naked on a bearskin rug in front of a fireplace. Cracker Barrel didn't take kindly to it.
I have to agree with Tom and Richard in that while there's obviously a lot going on, it's difficult to identify just what is in fact going on. The whole upper right quadrant is just too vague for me. Just my personal taste as I much prefer realism to abstract imagery.
Shot from outside a window into a diner that's a floor below the sidewalk level. Shooter is wearing hiking shoes and his lady friend is wearing some girly walking shoes and a flowered top.
A table full of food. A guy enjoying his milkshake a LOT in the bottom left hand corner and an impatient few people at the table behind them. I wonder if the table with food isn't in a rush. What kind of woman doesn't take her purse off to eat in a corner booth?
It's definitely a complex and certainly for my mind, a distracting picture. I like my subjects to be a little more clear at times. Do a series of them at different diners with the same outside reflection and hang 'em in the bathroom to get people to wonder when they're washing their hands
Thanks very much Gentlemen, for the C&C - I very much enjoyed reading, and thinking about, your respective observations and reactions.
I anticipated this image would be one that was going to have a subjective and limited appeal, and your comments bear that out.
I like it for the different pov and the visual gymnastics - very often, my personal taste runs to the strange/odd/unexpected.
As I've said before, I'm fascinated with, and informed by, the process of image creation/sharing/critique - and, as Tom said, it's how we learn!
We create and see these images with our own mind, so it's always beneficial to get unvarnished feedback from other photogs - Thanks again all!
btw - Wally, the shoes are both styles of MBT footwear - very comfortable, and unconventional in design/construction.
I've tried, but I just can't come to peace with this image. Way too busy to my eye. It's simply a case of personal preference. I do think that, when compared to other postings of similar interest, your effort here can hold its own.
I've noticed your proclivity for B&W work recently. I like your overall work in regards to the conversion techniques you employ. Keep it up.
(My real name is John but Jack'll do)
A table full of food. A guy enjoying his milkshake a LOT in the bottom left hand corner and an impatient few people at the table behind them. I wonder if the table with food isn't in a rush. What kind of woman doesn't take her purse off to eat in a corner booth?
It's definitely a complex and certainly for my mind, a distracting picture. I like my subjects to be a little more clear at times.
Hi! I'm Wally: website | blog | facebook | IG | scotchNsniff
Nikon addict. D610, Tok 11-16, Sig 24-35, Nik 24-70/70-200vr
I anticipated this image would be one that was going to have a subjective and limited appeal, and your comments bear that out.
I like it for the different pov and the visual gymnastics - very often, my personal taste runs to the strange/odd/unexpected.
As I've said before, I'm fascinated with, and informed by, the process of image creation/sharing/critique - and, as Tom said, it's how we learn!
We create and see these images with our own mind, so it's always beneficial to get unvarnished feedback from other photogs - Thanks again all!
btw - Wally, the shoes are both styles of MBT footwear - very comfortable, and unconventional in design/construction.
I hope you and others will post more often... perhaps rouse this sleepy forum a bit.