Great new move tweak (I think), and one request

Thanks, Smugmug, I think you tweaked something so that, in Organize, after clicking a bunch of images in order to move them to a different gallery, the number of images in your group shows as a small numeral in the upper right corner of the batch of thumbnails. Very helpful because I sometimes make a mistake of leaving some images already highlighted when I then select some new ones, and I don't know I've done that.
Which leads me to my request: Currently the only way to See what you've clicked/highlighted, is by the thin white or grey border around the highlighted thumbs. Unfortunately lots of images are already white or grey, so the border is basically invisible.
How about making that border color something that pops, like SM green?
Which leads me to my request: Currently the only way to See what you've clicked/highlighted, is by the thin white or grey border around the highlighted thumbs. Unfortunately lots of images are already white or grey, so the border is basically invisible.
How about making that border color something that pops, like SM green?
EDIT: No, I still see white... but blue occasionally... very confused here.
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I think the blue turns out to be a frame on the image itself, which I hadn't seen. When I click the thumbnail, the typical white SM border blots out the blue. Thanks for thinking about another frame color. I am constantly lost during organizing, as to what's highlighted and what's not.