Pics not uploading with Java
Hi I'm having problems uploading photo's with java I just signed up so this is new to me I'm running Firefox 1.5 new Java running 5.5 Sygate firewall photo is 100KB.
When I upload it is very slow and I can't find the pictures on smugmug can someone help me
When I upload it is very slow and I can't find the pictures on smugmug can someone help me
Hi Foaley, welcome to Dgrin and SmugMug! I'm sorry you're having upload troubles. Try eliminating the firewall. What specific troubles are you having? What error messages are you getting?
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I can get it to work using the standard upload but will not with Java, I will turn off the firewall and see what happens.
Also I have no errors meggages coming up
Please try the Universal Drag and Drop Uploader - It says beta but there's no reason to fear it - it works great.
Let me know
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Ok uploading now
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